3975 results found
Health topics
… B12 deficiency anemia is a blood problem that occurs when your body doesn't have enough of this vitamin. Your body needs B12 to make red blood cells , which carry … people get more than enough B12 from eating meat, eggs, milk, and cheese. Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia usually …
Health topics
… and lower third molars. These teeth are at the very back of your mouth. They are the last teeth to surface in the mouth. … have the procedure in the hospital, if you are having all your wisdom teeth pulled at one time. Your dentist will open … and delay healing. In addition, smoking decreases the blood supply and can bring germs and contaminants to the surgery …
Health topics
… There is a carotid artery on each side of the neck. They supply blood to the brain. Fatty buildup can narrow these … This buildup is called plaque. When one or both of your carotid arteries are narrowed, it can make it hard for blood to flow to the brain. This buildup also raises your risk of stroke. This procedure may improve blood flow …
Health topics
… instead of one large one. Recovery time is faster. You and your doctor will think about several things in deciding … These include: The location and extent of the disease. Your general health. Whether you have scar tissue in the … the colon, such as blockage, inflammation, lack of blood supply, or perforation. A partial colectomy is also called a …
Health topics
… decisions in case you can't think clearly during an attack. Your plan can help you stay active and have fewer problems. It may include: Your treatment goals. A list of your asthma medicines and when to take them. How to treat …
Health topics
… Overview The way you breathe affects your whole body. Full, deep breathing is a good way to … The object of roll breathing is to develop full use of your lungs and get in touch with the rhythm of your breathing. It can be practiced in any position, but it …
Health topics
… Overview Overview What are your responsibilities during your recovery from bypass surgery? You have several … artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery, including: Caring for your wounds. Taking your medicines. Monitoring your weight. …
Health topics
… Overview Flexibility exercises can help you keep your range of motion when you have an SCI. You may be able to do some of the flexibility exercises yourself. A loved one or a physiotherapist or occupational … behind you that doesn't move. You can try the stretches in your wheelchair (make sure that it's firmly locked) or in a …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. Wisdom Teeth: Should I Have My …
Health topics
… straight-backed chair. Warm up. Breathe in deeply through your nose. Lift your arms above your head, and stretch. Lower your arms, and breathe out. Do …