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HealthLinkBC files
… feel depends on where the TB bacteria are growing. When you have TB infection in the lungs you might spread TB bacteria … If you are healthy and a person with TB infection, you have a 5 to 10% chance of developing TB disease over your … of TB disease. Talk to your health care provider if you have HIV infection, chronic kidney disease, cancer, diabetes …
HealthLinkBC files
… In the long term, people exposed to second-hand smoke have a greater risk of suffering from: Breathing problems, … Emphysema Pregnant people exposed to second-hand smoke can have a greater risk of miscarriages, premature birth and … in the following ways: Babies who breathe second-hand smoke have a greater chance of dying from Sudden Infant Death …
HealthLinkBC files
… with Yersinia bacteria. Outbreaks of yersiniosis have been linked to untreated water, contaminated pork and … their hands or fingers in, or near, their mouth after they have handled an infected pet or animal. What are the … and yersiniosis can be misdiagnosed as appendicitis. If you have severe cramps or severe diarrhea, see your health care …
HealthLinkBC files
… Hospital emergency departments and ambulance attendants have used it for decades to reverse opioid overdose. Naloxone has no effect if you have not taken opioids. It will not get you “high” and does not cause addiction or dependence. If you have developed a tolerance to opioids, naloxone may cause …
HealthLinkBC files
… an even longer illness. A person can be infected and have no symptoms. How is cyclosporiasis spread? The disease … by outbreaks of Cyclospora infection. These outbreaks have been linked to eating contaminated, imported fresh … water when travelling How is cyclosporiasis treated? If you have prolonged or severe diarrhea, see your health care …
HealthLinkBC files
… talk and eventually to read and write. It is important to have your child’s hearing tested if you ever have concerns that they are not hearing well or talking … are usually the first to notice if there is a problem. Have your child’s hearing tested by an audiologist if you …
HealthLinkBC files
… risk of heat-related illness, especially if they do not have access to a cool indoor environment. Heat can build up … Keep cool inside Turn on air conditioning (AC) if you have it. A temperature of less than 26°C is safe for most … help know when your home is getting too hot If you do not have an air-conditioned space in your home, consider staying …
HealthLinkBC files
… baby so dangerous? Shaking a baby is dangerous because they have fragile, under-developed brains. Their heads are heavy … of babies who are shaken die and as many as 80 percent have permanent brain damage. Shaking injuries do not occur … If you feel unable to cope, call someone for help once you have put your baby in a safe place or call Healthlink BC at …
HealthLinkBC files
… save time, money and avoid impulse buys If you’re hungry, have a snack before going grocery shopping. You might buy … freezer for busy times Cook a batch of hard-boiled eggs to have throughout the week. They’ll stay fresh for one week … and paying attention to hunger and fullness cues. Have a snack when you’re feeling hungry, not out of habit or …
HealthLinkBC files
… making decisions about their own health. Adolescents will have the opportunity to make their own decision to be immunized whether or not they have a consent form signed by a parent or guardian. Image …