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… it spread? TB spreads from person to person through the air when someone who is sick with TB in the lungs coughs, … collection for tuberculosis (TB) testing . Where can I get a TB skin test? Depending on your reason for getting a … TB Infection treatment: Treatment of TB infection helps prevent the “sleeping” TB bacteria from “waking up” …
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… metal that is liquid at room temperature, and forms beads when spilled. Some of it also evaporates to form a … shaking, drowsiness, weakness, anxiety, depression and even personality changes. If swallowed Ingestion of elemental … on your own (see instructions below). You will need the help of professionals for large or complicated spills. If in …
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… authority under a power of attorney Sexual abuse occurs when a person pressures an older adult for intimacy, … harm. Some older adults who have experienced abuse may use alcohol or prescription drugs to help them with sleep, anxiety or other concerns. If …
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… healthy people. Many people carry these bacteria but don’t get sick. These bacteria can also cause strep throat, … person. The infected person may or may not have symptoms. When an infected person coughs or sneezes, the bacteria … such as heart, lung or liver disease, complications from alcoholism or diabetes Recent close contact with a person …
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… up to 50% of travellers who visit developing countries may get traveller's diarrhea. You may be at increased risk of … by sewage or animal manure can also be a source of disease when it is used for food preparation, drinking, swimming or … food and drinks that might irritate your stomach, such as alcohol, coffee, strong tea, sugary drinks, spicy food, …
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… their genitals). The chance of passing herpes is highest when there is an active outbreak (when sores or blisters, or … Symptoms vary from person-to-person and many people who do get symptoms may not realize that it’s caused by HSV. … light (e.g., tanning beds) Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol Having a weakened immune system (e.g., chemotherapy, …
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… and/or soreness of the genitals Pain or a burning feeling when urinating or during sex For men symptoms can include: … birth weight. It is also associated with a higher chance of getting and passing HIV, other STIs and an increased risk … and other serious side effects commonly occur if you drink alcohol within 12 hours before, during and 24 to 72 hours …
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… good bacteria that help you digest food and stay healthy. When antibiotics are taken to treat an illness, these good … C. diff bacteria are not spread through the air. You cannot get C. diff from someone sneezing or coughing. How can I … after using the toilet and before you eat. Use an alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR, also known as hand sanitizer) …
HealthLinkBC files
… is a public health approach to substance use (including alcohol, cannabis, and other substances) and drug policy. … include medication to reverse an opioid poisoning. This helps prevent brain injury and death Overdose prevention … health, by screening for problematic substance use and getting treatment for example. For more information For more …
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… explains what to do in case of an allergic reaction. To get a blank copy of an Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan , visit … What is an allergic reaction? An allergic reaction is when a person’s immune system treats a protein (an allergen) … a pre-loaded syringe called an auto-injector. Epinephrine helps reverse the symptoms of an allergic reaction and can …