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… and disease. There is no cure for HIV, but lifelong treatment with medications called highly active … HIV. Having HIV does not mean that you have AIDS. How can I get HIV? HIV is found in body fluids, such as blood, semen, … which reduces the chance of passing it on. You can not get HIV through casual contact, such as sharing food or …
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… Vaccine (IPV), is approved by Health Canada. Who should get the polio vaccine? The inactivated polio vaccine is … virus, for example through work or travel, should also get the vaccine. These people need 3 doses of the vaccine. … health care provider is prepared to treat it. Emergency treatment includes administration of epinephrine …
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… spores are inhaled. Wild and domestic animals can sometimes get infected with C. gattii as well. The infection itself is … in a blood, lung or spinal fluid sample. Is there a treatment available? Yes. Treatment consists of 6 to 12 months of antifungal …
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… prevents the parasite from causing disease. Those who do get sick with a mild form of the illness usually have … a child is born with toxoplasmosis, they can experience eye problems, hydrocephalus (water on the brain), seizures or … Your health care provider may test you for Toxoplasma . Treatment of an infected, pregnant woman may prevent or …
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… short term and long-term health effects. How does arsenic get into drinking water? Arsenic can get into drinking water from natural deposits or runoff from … be present in two forms: trivalent and pentavalent. Most treatment options are only effective for pentavalent …
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… streams can also be contaminated by these bacteria. You can get yersiniosis by eating food or drinking water … It is easy for people, especially young children, to get infected by putting their hands or fingers in, or near, … a clean kitchen Protect foods from rodents What is the treatment for yersiniosis? If you have yersiniosis, your …
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… virus. The vaccine is approved by Health Canada. Who should get the hepatitis A vaccine? The hepatitis A vaccine is … with hepatitis A infection Individuals with HIV should get 3 doses of the vaccine. The second dose is given 1 month … occurs, your health care provider can treat it. Emergency treatment includes administration of epinephrine …
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… person. How are head lice spread? Anyone who has hair can get head lice. Having head lice does not mean a person has … put it in a braid. Having head lice once does not prevent someone from getting them again. Regular checks for head … These products include insect sprays, motor oil, gasoline, alcohol, flea soap, dyes, bleaches, heat applied to the …
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… of West Nile virus? Most people infected with WNV will not get sick. A few people will have a mild to moderate illness … of WNV, contact your health care provider. What is the treatment for West Nile virus? Many of the symptoms and … for the infection. Most people who are infected with WNV get better, but it may take several weeks or months to …
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… is essential for plant growth and is present in all vegetables and grains. Nitrate is colourless, tasteless and … of human activities on well water quality. How does nitrate get into well water? Decomposition of organic matter and … levels, consider the following: Install a drinking water treatment device that is rated for nitrate removal, and has …