225 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… pregnancy occur during the first and third trimesters. How can I prepare before I travel? Before you travel, you … safe for most pregnant women up to 36 weeks gestation. However, there is a higher risk for pregnant women to … that lasts a long time Fever Severe headache, visual problems, or pink eye Skin rash Joint and muscle pain For …
HealthLinkBC files
… and recirculation of the water in your hot tub or pool. How can I make sure the water is safe? Owners are … to using your pool or hot tub. Disinfectants kill germs. However, their effectiveness is dependent on many factors … and clean your hot tub or pool if any of the following problems occur: Complaints of eye, ear or skin irritations …
HealthLinkBC files
… the disease (it is about 50 to 55 percent effective). However, it is also very important to have good personal … same house or have sexual contact with a typhoid carrier How is the vaccine given? The typhoid vaccine is either … at home. The travel clinic will provide instructions on how to take the vaccine. It is important to follow the …
HealthLinkBC files
… shoes Drink plenty of water and/or juice and avoid alcohol and drinks with caffeine to avoid dehydration Eat … and on unfamiliar roads. Use your seat belts. Do not drink alcohol and drive. Be sure to use common sense and caution …
HealthLinkBC files
… see HealthLinkBC File #44b Chickenpox (Varicella) Vaccine . How is chickenpox spread? The virus is spread through the … to relieve itching. Dress lightly and avoid hot baths and showers. Ask your pharmacist or health care provider about … covered. Shingles can not be passed from person to person. However, a person who has not had chickenpox or the …
HealthLinkBC files
… and may need an emergency operation to help breathe. How is Hib infection spread? You can spread Hib infection by …
HealthLinkBC files
… avoid contact with other people. Home isolation will help stop the spread to others. Young children and people with … or hairdresser) until after your home isolation has ended How long will I need to be on home isolation? The length of … each person. Your health care provider will let you know how long you need to stay at home. The duration of treatment …
HealthLinkBC files
… Febrile seizures usually last from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. However, they can be as short as a few seconds or last for more than 15 minutes. How serious is a febrile seizure? A febrile seizure is not harmful and usually stops by itself. If your child has had a febrile seizure, it …
HealthLinkBC files
… will die. The risk is higher if you are 50 years or older. How is hepatitis A spread? The hepatitis A virus is found in … be spread through close contact with an infected person, by drinking contaminated water, or eating raw or under-cooked …
HealthLinkBC files
… your blood sugar levels Keep you feeling full longer How much fibre do I need? Depending on your age and sex, aim … health care provider or registered dietitian to find out how much fibre is right for you. How can I increase the amount of fibre I eat? Add fibre to …