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HealthLinkBC files
… on food safety and amounts of food to offer your baby.  How do I prepare food safely for my baby? Choose from a … gummies or hard candies. Do not offer chewable vitamins. How much food should I offer to my baby? The amount of food … your baby’s hunger and fullness cues and let them decide how much to eat. Your baby may be hungry if they: Reach for …
HealthLinkBC files
… that has not been properly filtered, treated or boiled. How can I become infected with Giardia ? Giardia cysts can … at least 48 hours after the diarrhea and/or vomiting has stopped or as instructed by your local health authority. … pathogens, you will need to disinfect water used for drinking, making ice cubes, washing uncooked fruits and …
HealthLinkBC files
… intestinal infection caused by bacteria called Yersinia . How is yersiniosis spread? Yersinia bacteria can be carried … these bacteria. You can get yersiniosis by eating food or drinking water contaminated with Yersinia bacteria. … food for others until 48 hours after your symptoms have stopped. Drink lots of liquids (which may include drinks …
HealthLinkBC files
… infected. It will often take 4 to 7 days to get better. How does shigellosis spread? Shigella bacteria can be found … the spread of shigellosis. Follow the advice below to help stop the spread of shigellosis. In day care settings Wash … food or water Follow basic food safety precautions and drinking water treatment to help prevent the spread of …
HealthLinkBC files
… heart or lung disease, and people who are dependent on alcohol or inject illicit drugs. TSS can also be caused by … an infected person are at higher risk of getting infected. However, most infections occur from contact with those whose … hand washing, see HealthLinkBC File #85 Hand washing: Help stop the spread of germs Do not share straws, cups, bottles, …
HealthLinkBC files
… visits, you may have physical exams and other tests to see how healthy your liver is. You may also be referred to a … care provider, local health unit or support groups Avoid alcohol as it can cause further damage to your liver. If you do drink alcohol, try to reduce the amount that you drink Avoid drug …
HealthLinkBC files
… older adults with respect. When people experience personal problems or stresses, they might be at greater risk of … harm. Some older adults who have experienced abuse may use alcohol or prescription drugs to help them with sleep, … Line (SAIL) to receive guidance about your concern. How can abuse and neglect be prevented? There is no law in …
HealthLinkBC files
… infection in B.C. has decreased in recent years. How can I become infected with Cryptosporidium ? … at least 48 hours after the diarrhea and/or vomiting has stopped, or as instructed by your local health authority. … water source, you will need to disinfect water used for drinking, making ice cubes, washing uncooked fruits and …
HealthLinkBC files
… my well safe to drink? There are 2 categories of wells for drinking water: those that service drinking water supply … contaminants found in well water can cause long-term health problems. Just because your neighbour's well has been tested … water be unsafe? Your well water may taste and look fine, however, there can be many harmful substances that you …
HealthLinkBC files
… liver disease, cirrhosis, liver cancer and even death. How is hepatitis C virus spread? HCV is spread primarily … liver disease. To further prevent liver disease, you should stop alcohol use and take steps to avoid getting other infections …