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HealthLinkBC files
… be born with severe birth defects, including deafness, eye problems, heart defects, liver, spleen and brain damage. … due to routine immunization. Cases still occur in Canada, however, in babies born to women who immigrate to Canada as … has never been found to cause Congenital Rubella Syndrome. How is rubella spread? Rubella is spread by contact with …
HealthLinkBC files
… sleep. Healthy babies and newborns do not choke or have any problems from sleeping on their backs. When your baby can … his or her back, in a safety approved crib beside your bed. However, bedsharing is a common practice for many families … the adults in the bed are less alert due to the effects of alcohol, medications or other drugs. For families choosing …
HealthLinkBC files
… neurological condition) can occur after campylobacteriosis. How can I become infected with Campylobacter ? Campylobacter … rivers, lakes or shallow wells are not treated properly, drinking the water may be unsafe. This drinking water can be contaminated with human feces or animal waste. How can I prevent Campylobacter infection? It is important …
HealthLinkBC files
… long-term disability and reduced quality of life. Falls, however, are not a normal part of aging. They are … Loss of muscle mass, grip strength and balance, mobility problems, slower reflexes, muscle weakness, poor balance and … delirium, interactions or side effects of medications, alcohol use, poor nutrition, dehydration or lack of sleep …
HealthLinkBC files
… eating is about more than just what we eat. It’s also about how we eat. You and your child have different roles at meal … them and where. Your child's role is to decide whether and how much to eat from the foods you provide. Respecting these roles helps your child learn how to eat well and makes mealtimes more enjoyable. What …
HealthLinkBC files
… wonderful companions and help keep us healthy and active. However, like people, they can become infected with … Visits . Who is at higher risk? People at risk of serious problems from some of these infections include: Fetuses and … hand washing, see HealthLinkBC File #85 Handwashing: Help Stop the Spread of Germs . Your pet's hygiene and health: …
HealthLinkBC files
… usually occur within 6 to 72 hours and last 4 to 7 days. How is salmonellosis spread? The disease is spread through … sanitize them after putting raw meat and poultry on them. How do I prevent salmonellosis? Always wash your hands after … Open Farm Visits HealthLinkBC File #85 Hand Washing: Help Stop the Spread of Germs For information on the use of …
HealthLinkBC files
… safe textures, when to introduce common food allergens, how much food to offer and more. Some of the food examples … Limit daily cow milk to no more than 3 cups (750 mL) as drinking too much will leave little room for solids and can … growth and development, speak to your health care provider. How can I make sure my child gets all key nutrients? Be …
HealthLinkBC files
… trails when hiking and stay on them to avoid getting lost. How can I prepare for the wilderness? Whether your activity … out a trip plan. Tell others where you are going and for how long. Visit … streams and rivers can contaminate the water you use for drinking, eating and recreation. Untreated water in the …
HealthLinkBC files
… safe textures, when to introduce common food allergens, how much food to offer and more. Some of the food examples … nutrition facts table to see if vitamin D has been added. How can I make sure my child gets all key nutrients?  Be … plain soy beverage to no more than 3 cups (750 mL) per day. Drinking too much will leave little room for solids Give …