235 results found
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… Feeding your baby formula: Safely making and storing formula Last … it’s important to prepare and store it safely to protect your baby. What are the different types of infant formula? … the bottles and nipples using a bottle brush that is only used for your baby’s feeding equipment Rinse everything in …
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… Feeding your baby: Sample meals for babies 6 to 12 months old Last … information on food safety and amounts of food to offer your baby. How do I prepare food safely for my baby? Choose … Close their mouth when food is offered Push food away Refuse to eat or turn their head away Here are some examples of …
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… Vietnamese What are opioids? Opioids are a class of drug or medication that includes morphine, heroin, … are prescribed for pain relief and are safe when correctly used and in ways that are well understood and managed. What is an opioid overdose? An opioid drug overdose happens when a person takes more opioids than …
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… . It is not known how much alcohol it takes to cause harm. Your baby's brain and nervous system develop throughout your … as binge drinking and heavy drinking If illegal or street drugs, or medications are being used at the same time … care provider. A referral can be made to have your child assessed by a specially trained team who can provide …
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… drinking water. These pathogens may include bacteria, viruses or parasites (e.g., Campylobacter , Salmonella, Giardia … water to make it safe. However, you may need to disinfect your own drinking water, or find an alternate source such as bottled water if your community is on a ‘boil water’ notice. This may be …
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… in the community fall each year. Falls are the leading cause of injury-related deaths and hospitalizations for adults … use the Staying Independent Checklist (PDF, 1,502 KB) to assess your risk for falls or ask your doctor about falls risk …
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… life, babies sleep for about 16 hours a day. Planning where your baby can sleep safely is important. Creating a safe … to his or her back if your baby turns over in sleep. Do not use items that prop the baby in one position during sleep. … alert due to the effects of alcohol, medications or other drugs. For families choosing to bedshare, the risk can be …
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… suddenly while sleeping without a clear explanation or cause. SIDS is most likely to occur in babies between 2 and 4 … I do to reduce the risk of sleep related infant death? Put your baby to sleep on his or her back every time (at night … . Stop or reduce your use of alcohol and other drugs The use of certain substances during and after …
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… any symptoms or you may notice a change in the fluid from your vagina, such as some watery discharge. The fluid may … infection does not spread into the fallopian tubes and cause Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), a more serious … that female sexual partner(s) of women with BV have an assessment and testing for BV, as it is more common for …
HealthLinkBC files
… risks and benefits. It is up to the health care provider to assess and ensure the child's understanding of the … consent" is the consent a child gives to receive or refuse health care after the child has been assessed by a health care provider as having the necessary …