234 results found
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… Shortness of breath Headaches Fatigue Nausea Dizziness Skin problems Higher concentrations may cause: Lung … central nervous system. Some VOCs are suspected of causing cancer and some have been shown to cause cancer in humans. Most people are …
HealthLinkBC files
… Vietnamese If you travel or hike in the wilderness, you should be aware of certain health risks. Prepare for the … and recreation. Untreated water in the wilderness can have health effects such as diarrhea, abdominal cramps, … are tiny insects that can bite or burrow part way into your skin and draw blood out before dropping off. They can carry …
HealthLinkBC files
… in the community fall each year. Falls are the leading cause of injury-related deaths and hospitalizations for adults … more someone falls, the more likely it is that they will have a severe fall leading to injuries. You can use the … brain healthy and improves mood Adults aged 65 and older should do at least 150 minutes (about 2 and a half hours) of …
HealthLinkBC files
… can cause a number of serious infections, such as severe skin rashes, eye and ear infections, or pneumonia Other … to reduce the amount of disinfection chemicals needed. You should not go in a pool or hot tub with open sores or … symptoms, you should not go in a pool or hot tub until you have been symptom‑free for at least 48 hours. If you have an …
HealthLinkBC files
… disease that can occur in people. The disease damages brain cells and the spinal cord. What are the symptoms of vCJD? … include mood swings and memory loss. The disease also causes problems with movement and advances quickly to a … 30 years of age. Since the discovery of vCJD in 1995, there have been more than 200 cases of vCJD reported worldwide. …
HealthLinkBC files
… is salmonellosis? Salmonellosis is a food borne infection caused by Salmonella bacteria. Symptoms include sudden stomach … for visiting petting zoos Do not prepare food if you have Salmonella or another infection that causes diarrhea … uncooked dough, some desserts, some sauces or homemade ice cream. To reduce your risk of Salmonella infection use …
HealthLinkBC files
… Fibre can be either insoluble or soluble. Most foods have a combination of both. Canada’s food guide recommends … your risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and colon cancer. Insoluble fibre can help keep your gut healthy and … Size Total Fibre (grams) Vegetables and fruit Apple, with skin 1 medium 3.5 Avocado ½ fruit 6.7 Banana or kiwi 1 …
HealthLinkBC files
… pasteurized and unpasteurized juice? Pasteurized juices have been heat treated to destroy pathogens (germs) and … systems (such as those with HIV or those being treated for cancer) These vulnerable groups should not drink unpasteurized juice. Schools, child and …
HealthLinkBC files
… not use bumper pads or place pillows, heavy blankets, sheepskins or toys in the crib. Ensure the crib, cradle or … body and the cushions and leave them unable to breathe. Have a bassinet or crib ready, or someone else to take the … the car seat once you have reached your destination. Babies should not be left to sleep in a car seat, a stroller, baby …
HealthLinkBC files
… are prescribed for pain relief and are safe when correctly used and in ways that are well understood and managed. What … Hospital emergency departments and ambulance attendants have used it for decades to reverse opioid overdose. Naloxone has no effect if you have not taken opioids. It will not get you “high” and does …