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234 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… children and teenagers. It often occurs in children who have, or recently had, a viral infection such as chickenpox or influenza. Reye syndrome causes swelling of the liver and brain, and can be fatal. How can I prevent reye syndrome? The use of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA or Aspirin®) has been …
HealthLinkBC files
… save time, money and avoid impulse buys If you’re hungry, have a snack before going grocery shopping. You might buy … freezer for busy times Cook a batch of hard-boiled eggs to have throughout the week. They’ll stay fresh for one week … and paying attention to hunger and fullness cues. Have a snack when you’re feeling hungry, not out of habit or …
HealthLinkBC files
… Control and Prevention study, the rate of outbreaks caused by raw milk and products made from it was 150 times … to be more affected by the illnesses. Some argue that because they grew up consuming raw milk without falling ill, … chronic diseases are more vulnerable to infection and have higher risk of getting sick from drinking raw milk due …
HealthLinkBC files
… of rules. Every child develops at their own pace. If you have any concerns about your child’s development, talk to … frustrated easily Cries less but may whimper or whine more Uses the word ‘no’ correctly or shakes head May have a special toy or blanket Has a short memory and does …