234 results found
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… Rubella (MMR) Vaccine Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Varicella (MMRV) Vaccine The vaccines are free as part of … or the recommended number of doses of a mumps vaccine you should get immunized. Although getting the mumps vaccine … Be sure to place a light towel on the jaw to protect the skin Avoid sour foods and liquids because the inflamed …
HealthLinkBC files
… that bacteria over-grows. What are the symptoms? If you have bacterial vaginosis, you may not have any symptoms or … less effective at protecting against STIs transmitted by skin-to-skin contact, such as herpes simplex, genital warts … piercings. Store condoms at room temperature. A new condom should be used every time you have sex. Use only water-based …
HealthLinkBC files
… baby will be able to eat soft textures, even before they have teeth. This includes foods that are: Lumpy. Offer foods … When preparing vegetables and fruits: Wash produce. Peel skin as needed Remove seeds or pits Cut grapes, cherry … hard candies. Do not offer chewable vitamins. How much food should I offer to my baby? The amount of food to offer your …
HealthLinkBC files
… support and an emergency plan. What will happen if I have to evacuate my home in an emergency? If the police or … any health conditions or medications. Show them how to use specialized medical mobility equipment, such as lifts, … to immediately check on you after a disaster. What supplies should I have for an emergency? Planning ahead and thinking …
HealthLinkBC files
… or travel clinic staff for advice before travelling. What should I bring? Insect repellant containing DEET or Icaridin … car seat. They may be able to use it on the plane if they have their own seat Can I travel by air with my baby? Do not … sleeves and pants, and use insect repellant on all exposed skin. The most effective insect repellants contain a product …
HealthLinkBC files
… an organ or bone marrow transplant, and those who have had cancer treatment may get serious infections. Young children … with medication is necessary. People with cryptosporidiosis should drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. What … with HIV infection who have a CD4+ count of less than 100 cells/mm3; hematological cancer patients; and stem cell …
HealthLinkBC files
… people do not react at all to the bites, however others may have a small skin reaction. In rare cases, people can have severe … local health authority if you need help. Building owners should check municipal bylaws before attempting …
HealthLinkBC files
… Call your health care provider to make an appointment. Who should get the DTaP-IPV-Hib vaccine? The DTaP-IPV-Hib … is also provided free to people who have received a stem cell transplant. It is important to keep a record of all … through the air by people sneezing or coughing or by direct skin-to-skin contact. The disease can result in very severe …
HealthLinkBC files
… Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection caused by one of the two types of the herpes simplex virus … 1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex 2 (HSV-2). Most Canadians will have at least one type of HSV in their lifetime. While … about herpes. For many people, herpes is a minor skin condition that comes and goes without causing problems. …
HealthLinkBC files
… seizure, also known as a fever seizure, is a seizure caused by a fever. They can occur when your child has a fever … (100.4ºF) or higher. During a febrile seizure, a child may have shaking or jerking movements of their body, head, arms … can be given for fever or soreness. ASA (e.g. Aspirin®) should not be given to anyone under 18 years of age due to …