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… feel depends on where the TB bacteria are growing. When you have TB infection in the lungs you might spread TB bacteria … provider if you have HIV infection, chronic kidney disease, cancer, diabetes or have a weak immune system due to … TB test(s). Your health care provider uses a tuberculin skin test or TB skin test (TST) to look for TB infection. …
HealthLinkBC files
… cough) bacteria, and tetanus toxoid. Vaccines do not cause disease because the germs are either dead or weakened … of multi-dose vials by bacteria and fungi. Some vaccines have ingredients to boost the immune response to the … . Do vaccines contain human or animal cells? No. Vaccines do not contain human or animal cells. …
HealthLinkBC files
… measles situation, try to phone ahead to assure that they have vaccine in stock and to find out if you need an appointment. Who should get the MMR vaccine? The MMR vaccine is given to … children who also need protection against chickenpox (varicella), the second dose of vaccine can be given as the …
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… guidance from the Canadian Pediatric Society against their use. Parents and caregivers should be aware of the risks and side effects. If you choose … container, usually no bigger than 90mL. Energy shots can have up to 200mg of caffeine per container. The same …
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… the lice can cause a rash or small bluish spots on your skin. The spots may last for some time, even after all lice have been treated or killed. You will also likely see tiny … Skin infections can be caused by frequent scratching. What should I do with my clothes, bed sheets, and towels? All …
HealthLinkBC files
… added during the water treatment process, fluoride levels should never exceed this level. Fewer than 4 percent of the … the test results available to users and the public. If you have a private/domestic well, you should do a comprehensive … They found no connection between fluoridation and cancer. There is no evidence that suggests exposure to …
HealthLinkBC files
… viruses that can be passed on to other people. If you have contact with a person’s blood or body fluids you could … blood is present in the fluid, but the risk is low. What should I do if I come into contact with blood or body … If you are splashed with blood or body fluids and your skin has an open wound, healing sore, or scratch, wash the …
HealthLinkBC files
… haemophilus influenzae type b (DTaP-HB-IPV-Hib) vaccine Who should get the Td vaccine? The vaccine can be given to … give better protection against these diseases. Adults who have not been immunized or do not have a record of prior … bacteria mostly found in soil. When the bacteria enter the skin through a cut or scrape, they produce a poison that can …
HealthLinkBC files
… risk of heat-related illness, especially if they do not have access to a cool indoor environment. Heat can build up … illness. Infants and children also have more sensitive skin, making them more likely to get a sunburn. Sunburns can … much faster than an older child or adult. What signs should I look for? Your infant or young child may not be …
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… salmon, sardines or trout Choose lean cuts of meat such as skinless chicken breast and sirloin roast instead of higher … Add tofu or soybeans to stir fries, casseroles or salads Have steamed edamame (young soybeans) as a snack or side … diseases including heart disease, stroke, and several cancers. If you drink alcohol, consider limiting to 1 to 2 …