209 results found
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… Wash your hands with soap and water after removing gloves. During clean-up, make sure to wear an appropriate, …
HealthLinkBC files
… Vietnamese Why do I need iron? Iron is a mineral that your body uses to make hemoglobin (pronounced … red blood cells and helps carry oxygen to all parts of your body. Babies and children need iron for healthy growth and … in meat, fish and poultry, and is easily absorbed by your body Non-heme iron is found in eggs and plant-based foods …
HealthLinkBC files
… may be itchy. Bed bugs usually bite exposed parts of the body (not covered by clothes), such as the face, neck, arms … bed bugs? Look for the following signs: Bite marks on your body, particularly around your face, neck, arms and hands … and other items that come in close contact with your body. The staining is from their feces and the blood from …
HealthLinkBC files
… hot tub or pool water should be measured daily, especially during periods of high use. Pool and hot tub owners should … water including fecal matter, vomit, dirt, soap, shampoo, body oils, perspiration (sweat), food and drinks. Chlorine …
HealthLinkBC files
… for children and youth is much lower and depends on their body weight. The caffeine in one energy drink or energy shot … and teens. Some vitamins, like vitamin A, are stored in the body and build up over time. Having high amounts of certain … like Gatorade® and Powerade®, are designed to rehydrate the body after intense exercise. Some sports drinks are high in …
HealthLinkBC files
… each one. 6. Manage withdrawal When you quit smoking, your body has to adjust to being without nicotine. You will …
HealthLinkBC files
… from attached garages VOCs can be released from products during use and even in storage. However, the amounts of VOCs … select those suitable for indoor use Leave the area during carpet installation Ventilate the area as much as possible during the installation using fans and opening windows and …
HealthLinkBC files
… try to get the vaccine as soon as possible. This gives your body enough time, about 2 weeks, to build immunity before … condition that can result in weakness and paralysis of the body's muscles. It most commonly occurs after infections. In … you sick, sometimes severely, influenza also reduces the body's ability to fight other infections. Bacterial …
HealthLinkBC files
… damage or sterility. Mumps infection in the early stage of pregnancy may increase the rate of miscarriage but has not …
HealthLinkBC files
… Vietnamese Why do I need vitamin D? Vitamin D helps your body absorb and use calcium for strong bones and teeth. … D? You can get vitamin D from food and supplements. Your body can also make vitamin D when you are outside and the … your bare skin. Many factors affect how much vitamin D your body can make such as: Age: less is made as you get older …