21 results found
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… against 2 types of HPV that cause about 70% of cases of cervical cancer and 80% of cases of anal cancer. The HPV9 … against 5 additional types of HPV that cause 15% to 20% of cervical cancers and 11% of anal cancers in females and 4% … with HPV, the vaccines prevent almost 100% of cases of cervical cancer caused by the HPV types covered by the …
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… provider should check all suspicious bumps and lesions. Cervical cancer that is caused by HPV is detected using a … vagina, vulva, penis and throat. Of these types of cancers, cervical cancer is the most common. Approximately 200 women develop cervical cancer every year in B.C., and close to 50 women …
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… against 7 types of HPV that cause about 90 percent of cervical cancers and several other cancers such as cancers … time. Every year in B.C. approximately: 210 people will get cervical cancer and 55 will die from the disease 6,000 … active. The vaccine prevents almost 100 percent of cases of cervical cancer and 90 to 100 percent of cases of genital …
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… (i.e. the ovary does not release an egg) Thickening the cervical mucus, which makes it difficult for the sperm to … hormonal contraception. These include: Condoms Diaphragms Cervical caps These methods are not affected by medications. …
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… pills prevent fertilization of an egg by affecting the cervical mucus or the ability of sperm to bind to the egg. … The condom broke, slipped off or leaked Your diaphragm or cervical cap slipped, tore or came out less than 6 hours …
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… clean. If you use tampons, menstrual cups, diaphragms, cervical caps or contraceptive sponges, you can prevent TSS …
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