206 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… organs. TB is curable. In British Columbia, you can get medicines to prevent or cure TB. The medicines are free … Hand washing: Help stop the spread of germs Learn How to get a good sputum sample for your tuberculosis test on … talk with you about what this result means. When will I get the results from my sputum tests? Smear test results are …
HealthLinkBC files
… to eat? A vegan eating pattern: Includes whole grains, vegetables, fruit, beans, peas, lentils, nuts and seeds … prepared to a safe texture. Offer new textures as your baby gets older Have different tastes and colours Are made with … pieces or strips, cooked and mashed broccoli or other vegetable Oatmeal with mashed banana Blueberry pancakes …
HealthLinkBC files
… such as a friend, partner, or community support worker. Getting early and regular prenatal care is an important step … around them and in social situations when you are together Offer non-alcoholic drinks and bring non-alcoholic … Offer to work through problems and barriers to change together Help reduce life stressors. Ask about what they might …
HealthLinkBC files
… short term and long-term health effects. How does arsenic get into drinking water? Arsenic can get into drinking water from natural deposits or runoff from … see www.nsf.org/knowledge-library/faq-water . Consider getting a certified treatment device from an organization …
HealthLinkBC files
… causes problems with movement and advances quickly to a vegetative state and death. It may take anywhere from 5 to15 … is the same prion found in cows with BSE. How does a person get vCJD? vCJD is not passed from person to person. However, … of vCJD resulted from eating Canadian beef. How does a cow get BSE? The abnormal prions that cause BSE collect in the …
HealthLinkBC files
… your new mattress before it enters your home How can I get rid of bed bugs? There are physical control and chemical … bed bugs it touches, so move the steam cleaner slowly to get the steam as deep as possible Store clean, dry items in … For more information For more information on how to get rid of bed bugs or to find a licensed pest control …
HealthLinkBC files
… visit https://bccdc.shinyapps.io/bcradonmap . Should I get my home tested? Everyone is encouraged to test their … encouraged to test their homes for radon. How do I get my home tested? Radon testing is easy and can be done … if levels are close to or below the guideline. Where can I get a radon testing device? For a list of suppliers of radon …
HealthLinkBC files
… . How can asbestos get into my drinking water? Asbestos may get into water sources through runoff of mining tailings, …
HealthLinkBC files
… HealthLinkBC File #31 Lead Paint and Hazards . How can lead get into my drinking water? Lead was once commonly used in … quality in their distribution system. You will have to get your water tested for lead by a laboratory to find out …
HealthLinkBC files
… with finances or online/ATM banking. Why don't older adults get help if they are being abused or neglected? Often older … For more information about elder abuse and neglect, or to get help, call or visit the following services: Seniors …