206 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… if I have HTLV-1? Most people who have the virus will not get symptoms or develop any health problems. About 1 in 20 people who get infected with HTLV-1 will eventually get sick with an HTLV-1-associated illness sometime in their …
HealthLinkBC files
… occur in other illnesses. About a quarter of all people who get fifth disease have no symptoms. The most common signs of … and thighs. The rash may fade away and then come back or get worse when the person is exposed to heat, such as in a … it to others by coughing or sneezing. Sometimes you can get the disease just by touching the saliva or nasal …
HealthLinkBC files
… and sewer pipes What is an outbreak? When many people get sick from an infection it’s called an ‘outbreak’. … are the symptoms of waterborne infections? Many people who get infected with a waterborne infection will have no … system and leave the body through feces (waste). If you do get sick, how you feel depends on the type of infection. For …
HealthLinkBC files
… of the water, looking for bird and mammal hosts. How can I get swimmer’s itch? If schistosome larvae are present in a … and the northern United States. Who has a higher risk of getting swimmer’s itch? Young children who wade and splash … bodies may be at higher risk because: They are constantly getting wet without thoroughly drying off They usually play …
HealthLinkBC files
… may cry a lot and nothing seems to satisfy them for long. Getting enough sleep can also be a concern for parents. Over … For My Baby (PDF 2132 KB) for more information. How can I get my baby to sleep? For the first few months, your baby … Breastfeeding or chestfeeding can be a great way to get your new baby back to sleep. If you do feed your baby in …
HealthLinkBC files
… collection for tuberculosis (TB) testing . Where can I get a TB skin test? Depending on your reason for getting a TB skin test (TST), you may get it for free or you may have to pay if it is for school, …
HealthLinkBC files
… is the same as that of someone who never smoked. How can I get ready to quit? Planning can help you succeed. Here are some steps to take: 1. Get motivated To help you stay motivated, make a list of the … They reduce cravings by giving the nicotine you would get through smoking, but none of the toxins that are in …
HealthLinkBC files
… health? Folate helps make healthy new cells. If you do not get enough folate, you could get anemia. People who have anemia feel tired or weak, and … it's important for all people who could become pregnant to get enough folic acid. At least 3 months before becoming …
HealthLinkBC files
… nerves and the immune system work properly. Where can I get vitamin D? You can get vitamin D from food and supplements. Your body can also … D your body can make such as: Age: less is made as you get older Skin colour: less is made by darker skin Season: …
HealthLinkBC files
… Vegetarian feeding guidelines for babies and toddlers Last … Child Nutrition Series Download PDF Document English A vegetarian diet can be a healthy eating pattern for people of … information about eating well while following a lacto-ovo vegetarian eating pattern during early childhood. What do I …