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140 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… Immunization has saved more lives in Canada in the last 50 years than any other health measure. What is the hepatitis A … free to Indigenous children and youth 6 months to 18 years of age. The vaccine is also provided free to people at … is ongoing infection Zoo-keepers, veterinarians and researchers handling non-human primates Those involved in …
HealthLinkBC files
… who have anemia feel tired or weak, and may have a racing heartbeat and trouble catching their breath. Why is folate … with a neural tube defect? NTDs can happen during the very early weeks of pregnancy, when you may not know that you are …
HealthLinkBC files
… frozen or canned fruit with yogurt or soft tofu Apple or pear slices with nut butter Fresh or frozen berries with …
HealthLinkBC files
… given. The risk of thrombosis is increased in those: 45 years of age and older With a history of thrombosis With risk … ASA (e.g. Aspirin®) should not be given to anyone under 18 years of age due to the risk of Reye syndrome. *Ibuprofen … epinephrine (adrenaline) and transfer by ambulance to the nearest emergency department. If symptoms develop after you …
HealthLinkBC files
… aggressively. They may show a variety of signs, including fearfulness, aggression, lethargy, appearing unusually tame, excessive drooling, difficulty … animals usually die within 10 days from when they first appear sick. Bats infected with rabies may also act strangely. …
HealthLinkBC files
… the tick(s). If you cannot reach the tick or see it clearly, get someone else to remove the tick for you or see a … your skin. Do not touch the tick with your bare hands. Wear gloves if possible. Steadily lift the tick straight off … you spend time in an area where ticks may live: Walk on cleared trails wherever possible when walking in tall grass or …
HealthLinkBC files
… Immunization has saved more lives in Canada in the last 50 years than any other health measure. What is the hepatitis B … ASA (e.g. Aspirin®) should not be given to anyone under 18 years of age due to the risk of Reye Syndrome. *Ibuprofen … with blood or body fluids. The virus may also be spread by using items that have blood on them, such as a toothbrush, …
HealthLinkBC files
… a by-product have the greatest exposure. People who live near these industries and other point sources can also be … other parts of the body. Particles can worsen existing heart and respiratory diseases, including emphysema and … of air pollution are lower Avoid exercising outdoors near large sources of sulphur dioxide, such as industrial …
HealthLinkBC files
… be from natural sources or human activities. For example, nearby farming and agricultural activities or septic systems, … testing should be done on private wells at least once per year or immediately if you notice a change in clarity, colour … you must treat your drinking water before drinking it, using it for food preparation, or brushing your teeth. For …
HealthLinkBC files
… itchy nose, watery eyes and sneezing), trouble swallowing Heart : signs of a drop in blood pressure like weak pulse, … privacy Keep each child’s epinephrine auto-injectors near them at all times, in a secure unlocked place that is … activities that involve food Buying and preparing foods Learn how to recognize food allergens on product labels. For …