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HealthLinkBC files
… hormones A change in regular routine or travelling Not eating enough fibre Not drinking enough fluids Not getting … such as irritable bowel syndrome, colorectal cancer, eating disorders, underactive thyroid, diabetes, Parkinson’s … if a medication or a medical condition caused it. Can eating prunes or drinking prune juice help constipation? …
HealthLinkBC files
… in watches, calculators and handheld games How can I make eating safer for a child? Until children are at least 4 … Always supervise babies and young children when they are eating: Offer food in small amounts to prevent children from … out too fast and cause choking Have children sit up while eating and drinking Do not give children anything to eat or …
HealthLinkBC files
… can spread from hands to mouth. This can happen through eating, sucking fingers or when children put toys into their … touching the ground Right after leaving animal areas Before eating or drinking After cleaning and removing boots or … human food with animals When you and your child are in the eating areas: Wash your hands before eating or drinking Eat …
HealthLinkBC files
… reaction occurs when a person’s immune system treats a protein (an allergen) in a food as harmful. Some children … of a severe allergic reaction can start within minutes of eating the food that triggers reactions. They will usually … reaction and can save your child’s life. Steps for treating a severe allergic reaction Use the epinephrine …
HealthLinkBC files
… Vietnamese Lunch is an important part of your child’s day. Eating a variety of nutritious foods while at school helps … grain pasta and bread, oats, barley, brown rice and quinoa Protein foods such as beans, peas, lentils, nuts and seeds, … or bean spreads Leftover cooked chicken or beef Regularly eating processed meats like ham, turkey, salami, bologna, …
HealthLinkBC files
… reaction occurs when a person’s immune system treats a protein (an allergen) in a food as harmful. Allergic … of a severe allergic reaction can start within minutes of eating the food that triggers reactions. They will usually … reaction and can save the child’s life. Steps for treating a severe allergic reaction Use the epinephrine …
HealthLinkBC files
… germs such as bacteria or viruses, and some are made from proteins and/or polysaccharides (complex sugars). Vaccines … ‘whole cell’ vaccine used before 1997 contained about 3,000 proteins and polysaccharides from the whole pertussis … The vaccines used in Canada today contain only 3 to 5 proteins. These stimulate only the parts of the immune …
HealthLinkBC files
… antibodies taken from donated human blood. Antibodies are proteins that a person’s immune system makes to fight germs, … neomycin, chlortetracycline, amphotericin B, gelatin or egg protein. If you are receiving rabies immune globulin speak …
HealthLinkBC files
… frequent, loose, or watery bowel movements resulting from eating or drinking contaminated foods or liquids. Symptoms … hungry, drink fluids. When you feel better, slowly start eating small amounts of bland, easily digested food such as …
HealthLinkBC files
… have a combination of both. Canada’s food guide recommends eating whole grain foods like oats, quinoa and brown rice. … have more vitamins and minerals. Why is fibre important? Eating high-fibre foods can lower your risk of type 2 … table to confirm the amount Nutrition Series Heart Healthy Eating for People with High Cholesterol (#68a) Healthy …