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228 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… This can help your baby learn food skills, develop healthy eating patterns and be more likely to try and enjoy a … and offer them at least 2 times each day. Examples include: Well-cooked, finely minced or shredded meat, poultry and … in an open cup when your baby is 9 to 12 months of age and eating a variety of iron-rich foods Sips of water can be …
HealthLinkBC files
… to airborne Douglas-fir tussock moth hairs and shed skins during large-scale infestations have caused allergic … and can be used on certified organic farms. What happens during aerial spraying? Aerial spraying of Foray 48B® is … larvae when they are most vulnerable to the effects of Btk. Treatment schedules and duration vary based on the target …
HealthLinkBC files
… story Janet thought 2½-year-old Nathan was too quiet during a car ride, so she looked in the rearview mirror to … you get your child immunized, you help protect others as well If your child is immune to the disease, your child … Young babies Seniors People with diseases such as cancer or other medical conditions Vaccines help protect all …
HealthLinkBC files
… another by contact with body fluids containing the bacteria during unprotected oral, vaginal and anal sex. Sometimes a … make hormonal forms of birth control not work very well. Examples of hormonal birth control include the pill, … can have an STI and not have any symptoms. Finding and treating an STI reduces the chances of passing infections on …
HealthLinkBC files
… baby Heal after giving birth Decrease your risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer and diabetes When can I start … feeding. This often happens in the first few days and during growth spurts. By their second day of life, most … Your baby is getting enough human milk if they’re growing well and have enough wet and soiled diapers. It’s normal for …
HealthLinkBC files
… another by contact with body fluids containing the bacteria during unprotected oral, vaginal and anal sex. Sometimes a … make hormonal forms of birth control not work very well. Examples of hormonal birth control include the pill, … can have an STI and not have any symptoms. Finding and treating an STI reduces the chances of passing infections on …
HealthLinkBC files
… being actively treated or have been in remission and off treatment for less than 1 year; hematopoietic stem cell … immune systems, such as those with certain types of cancers or taking certain medications, may not be at higher … they can enter the water supply in the distribution system. Well water can be contaminated if the well is located or …
HealthLinkBC files
… from certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV) that cause cancers of the anus, cervix, mouth and throat, penis, vagina and vulva as well as genital warts. There are 2 HPV vaccines available in … health care provider is prepared to treat it. Emergency treatment includes administration of epinephrine …
HealthLinkBC files
… Sharing sex toys Syphilis can also spread to your baby during pregnancy or birth. This is known as congenital … or cause the baby to be born with syphilis. What is the treatment? During any stage, syphilis can be treated with … is very little evidence to show that antibiotics reduce how well hormonal forms of birth control work. Examples of …
HealthLinkBC files
… person-to-person contact with someone who has pubic lice as well as avoid sharing their clothes or towels. What are the … and female condoms help prevent the spread of many STIs during vaginal, anal and oral sex. Condoms are less … can have an STI and not have any symptoms. Finding and treating an STI reduces the chances of passing infections on …