167 results found
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… these rare disorders. Finding and treating these disorders early prevents or reduces serious health problems. If not … to double check the few disorders that can be missed on the first (early) screen. Can I wait and have my baby screened … is finished. These include: Re-running a test if the first test result was not clear Trying to find the reason …
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… It is important to recognize the signs of hearing loss early so that children can receive any supports they need to … families because much can be done if hearing loss is found early in life. In B.C., all babies can have their hearing … or withdrawn. In older children, parents are often the first to notice if there is a concern. Hearing loss can …
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… prevent tooth decay? Fluoride protects teeth when they first appear and as they develop over time. Fluoride bonds … to bacteria and decay. It also helps to repair the earliest stages of tooth decay. Where can fluoridation occur? …
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… decreased mental alertness Red, hot, dry skin (in the late stages of heat stroke) Seizures Unconsciousness/coma Who is … treatments for mild heat-related illness? When recognized early most mild heat-related illnesses, sometimes called …
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… milk (breast milk) is the only food your baby needs for the first 6 months. When your baby starts solid foods, continue … as soon as possible after they are born, ideally within the first hour. The first milk you make is called colostrum. … decide how long to feed for. Start feeding when they show early signs of hunger and stop when they show signs of …
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… sleeping surface. Room sharing is recommended for the first 6 months and can protect against Sudden Infant Death … more information. How can I get my baby to sleep? For the first few months, your baby may sleep for about 18 out of … babies usually sleep for 3 or 4 hours at a time. In the early months, most babies wake up several times at night for …
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… things work. Your child and play As a parent, you are the first to play with your baby. Playing with your baby helps … and the sounds of your voice as you read. It is never too early to start reading to your child. Speaking and reading … your baby. Hold your baby skin-to-skin regularly in the first months of their life. Look your baby in the eyes and …
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… ibuprofen in children under 6 months of age without first talking to your health care provider. Always use the … (SIDS) or a psychiatric illness. What is the treatment? Early diagnosis and treatment in a hospital can save your …
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… milk (breast milk) is the only food a baby needs for the first 6 months of their life. It’s recommended that babies … your baby sick. This should be done for a baby of any age. First wash: Gather the feeding equipment, such as bottles, … To help you remember, write the date on the lid when you first open the can. How do I get formula to the right …
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… my child to eat? Offer your child nutritious foods from an early age to help them develop healthy habits for life. Give … food Start teaching your child food skills from an early age. Children aged 2 to 3 years are able to count … formula: Safely making and storing formula (#69b) Baby's first foods (#69c) Helping your 1 to 3 Year old child eat …