130 results found
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… into contact with bats that enter houses. If your pet has physical contact with a bat, consult your veterinarian. … a tool such as a trowel or spade to handle it. If you had physical contact with a live bat which can be captured, you … with boiling water If you or your pets have not had physical contact with a bat and it is in your home or other …
HealthLinkBC files
… with your hands. You do not need to disclose to your workplace, school or daycare setting that you carry MRSA. …
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… as anxiety and insomnia. If you are concerned about your physical or mental health symptoms, please consult your … enters your home How can I get rid of bed bugs? There are physical control and chemical options for treating bed bug … to ensure that treatment is completed safely and legally. Physical control methods to treat bed bugs Steaming, washing …
HealthLinkBC files
… and preventable. Fear of falling is common, but restricting physical activity and movement to avoid falls can cause further … 1. Keep your body active: Not only does regular physical activity help prevent falls by improving your …
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… you must assume that the water is contaminated and not fit to drink without additional treatment and tests to show … boots, protective gloves, eye protection and a well-fitted respirator such as an N95. During cleaning, avoid …
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… you inhale If you must go outdoors, consider wearing a well-fitted respirator. A respirator is a mask that fits tight around the mouth and nose. For more information, …
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… adults? Abuse and neglect can take many forms including physical, emotional, financial, sexual, spiritual or social. … Most people do not intend to become abusive or neglectful. Physical abuse includes violence, inappropriate restraint, … over the situation. In general, older adults have less physical strength and they are less able to defend …
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… The effects of FASD include problems with motor skills, physical health, learning, memory, attention, communication … your use of cigarettes and other drugs Balance rest and activity Reduce your stress. Find healthy ways to relax and … meditation, yoga, going for walks or taking part in other physical activities, having a warm bath, or talking with a …
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… sleeping Behavior changes Impaired vision Abnormal physical sensations Difficulty with voluntary coordination … images using MRI scans Recordings of the brain’s electrical activity using EEG The diagnosis can only be confirmed … CJD? There is currently no cure for CJD. Treatment involves physical and occupational therapies. A person with CJD …
HealthLinkBC files
… they rely on or trust. It can take many forms including physical, emotional, financial, sexual, spiritual or social. … or behaviour. In some situations of abuse, people may use physical force or emotional control over the other person. … abuse or neglect, pay attention to your own emotional and physical health. Here are some signs of stress: Changes in …