130 results found
HealthLinkBC files
HealthLinkBC files
… a record of all immunizations received. What are the benefits of the vaccine? Immunization is the best way to protect … under the age of 19, who are able to understand the benefits and possible reactions for each vaccine and the risk of …
HealthLinkBC files
HealthLinkBC files
… about the risks of Japanese encephalitis. Discuss the benefits of your child receiving an approved Japanese … over 6 months during the rest of the year. What are the benefits of the vaccine? The Japanese encephalitis vaccine is … under the age of 19, who are able to understand the benefits and possible reactions for each vaccine and the risk of …
HealthLinkBC files
HealthLinkBC files
… enough for most school age children. Older children may benefit from longer preparation time, but it can depend on how … #50a Your Baby's Immune System and Vaccines #50b The Benefits of Vaccinating Your Child #50c Childhood Vaccines are … Your baby's immune system and vaccines (#50a) The benefits of immunizing your child (#50b) Childhood vaccines are …
HealthLinkBC files
… during years with widespread or epidemic influenza activity. How can you prevent influenza? You can reduce the …
HealthLinkBC files
… a record of all immunizations received. What are the benefits of Tdap-IPV vaccine? The Tdap-IPV vaccine is the best … be present but these generally do not interfere with normal activity. Acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol®) or ibuprofen (e.g. …
HealthLinkBC files
… spoons, cookers and needles Use a condom during sexual activity Do not donate your blood, semen, body organs or …
HealthLinkBC files
… clean. Leave a small amount of sludge to renew bacterial activity How can I prevent problems with my sewage system? …