203 results found
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… Iron-rich foods for babies and toddlers Last updated September 17, … I make sure my child has enough iron? Introduce iron-rich foods to your baby at around 6 months. This is when your … meet their growing nutrient needs. As you introduce solid foods to your baby, there are many things you can do to make …
HealthLinkBC files
… Severe allergic reactions to food: Children and teens Last updated March 1, 2019 … Document Vietnamese What is a severe allergic reaction to a food? An allergic reaction occurs when a person’s immune … have asthma are at increased risk of breathing difficulties during a severe allergic reaction. If your child has asthma, …
HealthLinkBC files
… volunteers or leaders. Volunteers may help provide services during emergencies. These services can include: Lodging … to residents displaced from their homes due to fire, floods, earthquakes or other emergencies. To register as a … BC regional office in your area: www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/safety/emergency-management/contact-us . How can I manage …
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… to consider if you want to care for your family member during an emergency: Is your home suitable and accessible … also caring for yourself and your family Can you prepare food that meets their dietary needs? For example, … grab bars and a raised toilet seat Special dietary needs Safety and security of your home Preparing your home with a …
HealthLinkBC files
… Preparing for and responding to hazards such as wildfires, floods, landslides, earthquakes and severe weather requires … trusted support network of at least 3 people to assist you during an emergency. Give them keys to your home and add … . Basic items for a 72-hour grab-and-go bag: Water Food (ready to eat) Small first aid kit Special items, such …
HealthLinkBC files
… destination, try to eat and sleep according to local time Food and water safety in developing countries Eat foods that are well cooked and served hot. Avoid foods that …
HealthLinkBC files
… types of illnesses spread by water can also be spread by food, or directly from other people or animals. What are the … for concern because many germs are spread through feces A flood, earthquake, fire or other disaster has disrupted your …
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… who are 6 to 12 months old. It includes information on food safety and amounts of food to offer your baby. How do I prepare food safely for …
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… by these bacteria. You can get yersiniosis by eating food or drinking water contaminated with Yersinia bacteria. … Educate people who handle and prepare food about food safety Maintain a clean kitchen Protect foods from rodents … one of the main reasons for hospitalization. What happens during an outbreak? If there is a yersiniosis outbreak in …
HealthLinkBC files
… and how is it caused? Botulism is a serious form of food poisoning that can cause death. The poison is produced … altitude increases Once the right pressure level is reached during cooking, it must be kept constant throughout the … space at the top. Use tested recipes when canning, for safety. Wash hands with soapy water for at least 20 seconds …