203 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… idea that can guide your interactions with your child, during playtime or at other times of the day. Pay attention … around age 3, they will start to play with other children Safety during play To ensure safety, stay ahead of your baby to keep them from grabbing …
HealthLinkBC files
… E. Coli bacteria, an indicator of human or animal waste A flood, fire, earthquake or other event has disrupted the … water supply/source You are travelling in an area where the safety of the water is questionable You have a weakened … least 2 minutes Store disinfected water in clean, covered, food grade containers Can I use bleach to disinfect water? …
HealthLinkBC files
… and folic acid? Folate is a B vitamin found naturally in foods. Folic acid is a form of folate. It's used in vitamin … of being born with a neural tube defect? NTDs can happen during the very early weeks of pregnancy, when you may not … (NPN). An NPN means the supplement meets Health Canada's safety standards for natural health products Talk to a …
HealthLinkBC files
… listeriosis? Listeriosis is a rare but potentially serious foodborne infection. It is caused by the bacteria Listeria … Listeriosis can also be transferred to a developing baby during pregnancy or to a newborn baby during delivery. Who … eating. For more information For more information on food safety, see the following HealthLinkBC File: HealthLinkBC …
HealthLinkBC files
… - Water Well Disinfection Emergencies or natural disasters such as earthquakes and wildfires can damage water … and creates chlorine by-products. Health Canada sets safety limits for chlorine by-products to reduce the risk of …
HealthLinkBC files
… Sleep For My Baby . What can I do to keep my baby safe during sleep? Put your baby to sleep on his or her back … or toys. Ensure the crib, cradle or bassinet meets Canadian safety regulations. For more information about Canadian safety regulations and to check for product recalls, visit …
HealthLinkBC files
… or by a parent, child, or pet rolling onto the baby during sleep. What causes SIDS? The cause of SIDS is not … crib. Ensure the crib, cradle or bassinet meets Canadian safety regulations. For more information about Canadian safety regulations and to check for product recalls, visit …
HealthLinkBC files
… bits of infected stool get into another person’s mouth, food or water. Exposure to infected stool can occur in day care settings, through contaminated food and water, or through certain types of sexual contact. … least 2 days Contaminated food or water Follow basic food safety precautions and drinking water treatment to help …
HealthLinkBC files
… Where can I get vitamin D? You can get vitamin D from food and supplements. Your body can also make vitamin D when … amounts of vitamin D include the total intake from food and supplements. Age Aim for Stay below 0-6 months … (NPN). A NPN means the supplement meets Health Canada's safety standards for natural health products Choose a form …
HealthLinkBC files
… and found to be safe, this doesn’t mean yours is too. The safety of your well water depends on surface and underground … quality can change over time. Weather, seasons, drought, floods or other events may cause contamination. It’s … treat your drinking water before drinking it, using it for food preparation, or brushing your teeth. For short term …