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… for 7 days to kill the lice. How can I reduce my chance of getting a sexually transmitted infection (STI)? Practice … using a condom When used correctly, male and female condoms help prevent the spread of many STIs during vaginal, anal … changed sexual partners, or have multiple sex partners, getting regularly tested for STIs will tell you if you have …
HealthLinkBC files
… Communicate what is about to happen and ask you for help if necessary Control the urge until they get seated on … or potty? Can your child pull down their pants without help? Another sign that your child might be ready to start … fits on top of the regular seat. A potty chair may be more helpful because your child can have good support for their …
HealthLinkBC files
… can be legally added to milk. Vitamin A improves eyesight, helps you to see better at night or in dim light, and helps … us of the hazards of drinking raw milk. Who is at risk of getting sick? Anyone can get sick from pathogens that may be … are more vulnerable to infection and have higher risk of getting sick from drinking raw milk due to having weaker or …
HealthLinkBC files
… a pre-loaded syringe called an auto-injector. Epinephrine helps reverse the symptoms of an allergic reaction and can … the health concern Each child’s allergy and how to help the child avoid their allergens Where to find each … water before and after eating. This helps prevent food from getting on toys, clothing, and other surfaces Clean all …
HealthLinkBC files
… prevent infection is to stop the virus from spreading. To help stop the spread of the virus, follow these tips: Wash … How can I reduce the risk of getting infected from cleaning up vomit or diarrhea? If you … vomit or diarrhea, follow these tips to reduce the risk of getting infected: Wear disposable gloves. Reusable rubber …
HealthLinkBC files
… a pre-loaded syringe called an auto-injector. Epinephrine helps reverse the symptoms of the allergic reaction and can … of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. What can I do to help my child with a severe food allergy stay safe? Consider … it with you when you and your child are away from home. Help your child avoid their food allergens. Eating even a …
HealthLinkBC files
… the incident immediately after a sexual assault can help to ensure that as much evidence as possible is … then at 3 months after the exposure. What is the risk of getting HIV, hepatitis B or hepatitis C? The risk of getting HIV, hepatitis B or C depends on the amount of virus …
HealthLinkBC files
… and varicella (MMRV) vaccine What if I am planning on getting pregnant? If you are a woman of childbearing age, make sure you are immune to rubella before getting pregnant. If you are not immune (you have not had … after the rash first appears. If you have rubella, you can help prevent spreading it to others, especially pregnant …
HealthLinkBC files
… making and serving the food. What are your chances of getting VRE? If you are healthy and living in the community, … immune systems are suppressed are also at greater risk of getting sick from VRE. Currently in Canada, VRE infections … using hand soap and water. Using an alcohol hand rub may help stop you from spreading VRE when touching surfaces with …
HealthLinkBC files
… developed a disabling condition and relies on others for help. How do men and women experience abuse differently? … to this type of abuse because they may depend on others to help them with financial matters. Also, some older adults … finances or online/ATM banking. Why don't older adults get help if they are being abused or neglected? Often older …