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… (even “bad” feelings) are normal and that there are healthy ways to respond to them. For example, “I’m feeling … bond that your baby’s brain and body needs to develop in a healthy way. Research also tell us that babies whose cries … your day around a routine that works for your child Have healthy snacks, physical activity and periods of rest each …
HealthLinkBC files
… for using energy drinks apply to energy shots. Most healthy adults can have up to 400 mg of caffeine per day. … sweet beverages, you might find that it’s harder to eat healthy because you: Develop a preference for sweet foods … vitamins and minerals in one energy drink is safe for most healthy adults. Avoid drinking more than the label …
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… CPO are usually a low risk and rarely cause an infection in healthy people. If they spread from the gut to other parts … are my chances of getting infected with CPO? If you are healthy your chances of becoming sick with CPO are low. You … symptoms resolve. If you carry CPO in your gut and you are healthy, you do not need treatment and you should continue …
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… years of age and older should get one dose. If you have a weakened immune system, you may need more than one dose …
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… many good bacteria that help you digest food and stay healthy. When antibiotics are taken to treat an illness, … may lead to serious illness. Who is most at risk? For most healthy people, C. diff is not a health risk. Those at … is unsuccessful, fecal microbiota transplant (stool from a healthy donor) is now becoming an available option. Discuss …
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