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… CPO are usually a low risk and rarely cause an infection in healthy people. If they spread from the gut to other parts … cleaned after going to the bathroom and before preparing or eating food. People identified as having a CPO should follow … or infections outside of hospitals. What are my chances of getting infected with CPO? If you are healthy your chances …
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… does indicate: The well may require improved sanitation or physical upgrades The well may be subject to surface … chemicals Chemicals found in well water can come from human activity and natural sources. Most naturally occurring … levels can have a negative impact on the development of healthy bones and teeth in children. For more information …
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… body to produce antibodies that will help protect you from getting sick if exposed to the virus. The vaccine is … more than one dose depending on your immunization history. Getting all the recommended doses of vaccine is your best … a previous dose of a COVID-19 vaccine without another cause being identified Have a history of MIS-C (a rare …
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… HIV, but lifelong treatment with medications called highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) means that you can … Although HIV is a life-long infection, you can still live a healthy and productive life. However, getting early and … This is called anonymous testing, and is currently being offered at a limited number of sites in B.C. …
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… of HCV. It is possible to get re-infected with HCV after being cured. If you have chronic HCV, you should see your … care provider regularly. During these visits, you may have physical exams and other tests to see how healthy your liver is. You may also be referred to a …
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… in the community, or in institutional settings. It can be physical, emotional, financial, sexual, spiritual or social. … banking. Why don't older adults get help if they are being abused or neglected? Often older adults may not know … situation and how the person feels. Be aware of any stereotypes or assumptions you may have about older adults, …
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… contact with others Take your medicines as directed, eat healthy foods and get plenty of rest Wear a mask that covers … they get tested for TB. What if I need to go somewhere? Being on home isolation means you must stay at home unless … by shaking hands or kissing? TB is not spread by direct physical contact, such as shaking hands or kissing. TB is …
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… body to produce antibodies that will help protect you from getting sick if exposed to the virus. The vaccines are … more than one dose depending on their immunization history. Getting all the recommended doses of vaccine is your best … a previous dose of COVID-19 vaccine without another cause being identified Have a history of MIS-C (a rare …
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… odour. While BV is more common in women who are sexually active, it can occur in women who are not sexually active. … as well when you are taking certain antibiotics. If you are being treated with antibiotics, keep taking your birth … STIs will tell you if you have an infection. Finding and treating an STI, (including HIV) reduces the chances of …
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… on their hosts, they only visit them to feed. They are most active at night. Bed bugs prefer locations where they can … as anxiety and insomnia. If you are concerned about your physical or mental health symptoms, please consult your … bugs? There are physical control and chemical options for treating bed bug infestations. Effective control requires a …