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HealthLinkBC files
… Necrotizing Fasciitis (Flesh-Eating Disease) Last updated February 1, 2019 HealthLink BC … infection. Sometimes there is no obvious skin wound or injury. What are the symptoms of the disease? Most often … bacteria are found on the skin or in the nose and throat of healthy people. Many people carry these bacteria but don’t …
HealthLinkBC files
… Why is folate important for my health? Folate helps make healthy new cells. If you do not get enough folate, you … lifelong disabilities. How can I lower my baby's risk of being born with a neural tube defect? NTDs can happen during … or barbiturates) Can I get enough folate from food? Eating foods with natural folate and foods fortified with …
HealthLinkBC files
… you can help your child learn important food skills and eating habits. You can also help shape positive attitudes towards food and eating. Healthy eating is about more than just what we eat. It’s … The amount of food they need varies based on their age, activity level, growth rate and appetite. It’s normal for …
HealthLinkBC files
… Managing eating, chewing and swallowing difficulties in care … Document Punjabi Document Spanish Document Vietnamese Eating, chewing and swallowing difficulties can occur in … Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). Why is it important to manage eating, chewing and swallowing difficulties? Problems with …
HealthLinkBC files
… in watches, calculators and handheld games How can I make eating safer for a child? Until children are at least 4 … Always supervise babies and young children when they are eating: Offer food in small amounts to prevent children from … out too fast and cause choking Have children sit up while eating and drinking Do not give children anything to eat or …
HealthLinkBC files
… lymphoma or leukemia (hematological malignancies) who are being actively treated or have been in remission and off treatment …
HealthLinkBC files
… The effects of FASD include problems with motor skills, physical health, learning, memory, attention, communication … developing baby. What else can I do to make sure I have a healthy pregnancy? As well as not drinking alcohol, there … your use of cigarettes and other drugs Balance rest and activity Reduce your stress. Find healthy ways to relax and …
HealthLinkBC files
… you travel When planning your trip, think of ways to stay healthy while travelling. Visit a travel clinic at least 4 … activities that permit sexual fluids to enter your body Injury prevention Wear closed-toe shoes to prevent cuts, wounds, …
HealthLinkBC files
… such as in an office or school Coughing or sneezing Physical contact such as hugging and kissing Using the same … unless the nipples are cracked and bleeding The healthy, intact skin of others coming into contact with your … vaccine Eat healthy, nutritious food as outlined by the Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide. Visit …
HealthLinkBC files
… Document Vietnamese Play is a very important part of healthy development. Through play and curiosity, your child … skills such as identifying and dealing with feelings, physical skills such as fine and gross motor skills, and … ideas that can be used to support and encourage physical activity early on, and is updated on a weekly basis. Play …