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… What is an allergy safe child care facility? Managing food allergy in a child care setting is a shared … of a severe allergic reaction can start within minutes of eating the food that triggers reactions. They will usually … the facility. Some food allergens are important sources of nutrients for children who can eat them. These should not be …
HealthLinkBC files
… and how is it caused? Botulism is a serious form of food poisoning that can cause death. The poison is produced … and create a very powerful poison. One teaspoonful is enough to kill 100,000 people. Improper home canning creates … For more information, visit: – Home Canning: Getting Started  …
HealthLinkBC files
… are many strains of E. coli , and most are harmless. When food or water tests positive for E. coli bacteria, it may be … E. coli is present in the intestines and feces of many healthy animals including cattle, goats, sheep, deer and … any fruits and vegetables with cold running water before eating them raw, even if they will be peeled or cut. Use a …
HealthLinkBC files
… or regional district. What precautions should be taken for food safety? When food and food-contact surfaces (drawers, shelves, cutting … cleaning up after a flood, especially before handling or eating food. Use hand sanitizers Throw out canned goods if …
HealthLinkBC files
… an abnormal prion attacks the brain, killing cells and creating gaps in tissue or sponge-like patches. The vCJD prion … images using MRI scans Recordings of the brain’s electrical activity using EEG Tonsil biopsy The diagnosis can only be … for vCJD. Treatment involves supporting the patient with physical and occupational therapies. A person with vCJD …
HealthLinkBC files
… Most infected people do not show any symptoms. A healthy person’s immune system usually prevents the parasite … touching anything that has come into contact with cat feces Eating raw or undercooked meats Drinking unpasteurized milk … after handling raw meat to prevent contaminating other foods Do not drink unpasteurized milk from any animal Wear …
HealthLinkBC files
… Asbestos refers to a group of naturally occurring mineral fibres found in rock. For decades, asbestos was used as a … When asbestos-cement pipes deteriorate, some asbestos fibres could be released into the drinking water … water …
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… Vietnamese Pets make wonderful companions and help keep us healthy and active. However, like people, they can become … with bacteria, parasites, fungi and viruses from spoiled food, other infected animals, the environment or infected … treats or food. Wash your hands before preparing food, eating or smoking Make sure that children wash their hands …
HealthLinkBC files
… to stay hydrated. What causes heat-related illness? A healthy human body maintains a temperature of about 37°C … through increased blood flow to the skin and increased sweating. This allows your body to cool and return to its … occurs when you are overexposed to heat or during intense physical activity while it is hot. Most heat-related illness …
HealthLinkBC files
… body to produce antibodies that will help protect you from getting sick if exposed to the virus. The vaccine is … more than one dose depending on your immunization history. Getting all the recommended doses of vaccine is your best … (myocarditis and pericarditis) have been reported after getting the protein subunit vaccine. Cases have occurred …