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HealthLinkBC files
… causes rabies. RabIg contains large amounts of antibodies taken from donated human blood. Antibodies are proteins that a person’s immune system … B or hepatitis C in people who received RabIg. Who should get rabies immune globulin and rabies vaccine? If an …
HealthLinkBC files
… hepatitis A and measles infections. Ig contains antibodies taken from human blood. Antibodies are proteins your immune system makes to … hepatitis B or hepatitis C in people who received Ig. Who should get immune globulin? Your health care provider may …
HealthLinkBC files
… develops suddenly after certain types of bacteria enter the bloodstream and produce toxins (poisons). It can quickly … vomiting and diarrhea, signs of shock including low blood pressure and light-headedness, shortness of breath and a … individuals using tampons or a menstrual cup are at higher risk of TSS, tampons and menstrual cups do not cause …
HealthLinkBC files
… overdose? An opioid drug overdose happens when a person takes more opioids than their body can handle. Breathing may … or is not breathing enough, the oxygen levels in the blood decrease. This can lead to brain injury, cardiac … has been more than 900 per year. The overdoses are due to a highly toxic and unpredictable illicit drug supply. Overdose …
HealthLinkBC files
… lung cancer in your lifetime if you are exposed to high levels of radon and you smoke or used to smoke. For non-smokers, the risk is one in 20. Because lung cancer takes time (years) to develop, the risk of developing lung … your exposure is to test your home for radon. Remediation should be conducted if levels are found above the …
HealthLinkBC files
… may include nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, fever or blood in stools. Symptoms can begin suddenly and usually … people with thyroid problems, or known iodine sensitivity should not use iodine drops to disinfect water. Commercially … Contact a health care provider if you have these symptoms: High fever Blood or pus in stools Signs of dehydration such …
HealthLinkBC files
… Extreme heat happens when the heat and humidity are much higher than we would expect during a normal summer day. … much faster than an older child or adult. What signs should I look for? Your infant or young child may not be … talk with a registered nurse. Here are some steps you can take if your child is showing signs of dehydration: Under 1 …
HealthLinkBC files
… appear on the arms and may spread to the chest, back and thighs. The rash may fade away and then come back or get … developing baby. The disease can also be spread through blood or blood products. If you have fifth disease, you will … infected with parvovirus B19 or if you are immune. What should you do if you or your child has been exposed to fifth …
HealthLinkBC files
… Document Punjabi Document Spanish Document Vietnamese Why should I get tested? HIV testing is important for people to … . If you have had blood tests during your pregnancy, ask your health care … this chance is mostly eliminated if you consistently take HIV medicines to reduce the amount of virus in your …
HealthLinkBC files
… Keep a record of the travel vaccines you receive and take this with you on your trip. What is yellow fever … mosquitoes. The vaccine is approved by Health Canada. Who should get the vaccine? If you are travelling to or working … be made during an outbreak when the risk of infection is high What is yellow fever? Yellow fever is a serious and …