207 results found
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… can also affect the immune system, leading to greater risk of infections and reduced vaccine effectiveness. The … too much sun exposure, you can significantly reduce their risk of developing skin cancer. How can I protect my child … of the suit to protect sensitive areas, such as the upper thighs and chest. Pay particular attention to the ears, back …
HealthLinkBC files
… or who have travelled outside of Canada may be at increased risk for picking up CPO bacteria. It is important to prevent … vulnerable to developing infections. CPO are usually a low risk and rarely cause an infection in healthy people. If … chances of becoming sick with CPO are low. You may be at higher risk if you have had long-term, frequent, or …
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… within enclosed spaces. Concentrations of most VOCs are higher in indoor air than outdoor air. These gases at high levels can impact both indoor air quality and human … of breath Headaches Fatigue Nausea Dizziness Skin problems Higher concentrations may cause: Lung irritation Damage to …
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… membrane oxygenation (ECMO) treatment as a newborn Very high bilirubin levels at birth that need an exchange …
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… and poor hygiene, such as child care centers. The risk is greatest for young children who are not yet toilet … Young children and the elderly may be at greater risk of getting dehydrated. How is cryptosporidiosis … you have a weakened immune system, you should discuss your risk of cryptosporidiosis with your health care provider. …
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… and even save lives. As people age, they may be at much higher risk of severe disease and complications from influenza. For … due to the influenza virus tend to be worse with a greater risk of complications. How can influenza be prevented? You …
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… personal problems or stresses, they might be at greater risk of harming or neglecting others. These factors may increase the risk of abuse. Living together with older adults may create … and neglect and speak up about it in a way that does not risk the older adult's safety Encourage the older adult to …
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… abuse can happen to both men and women. Older adults at higher risk of financial abuse tend to be alone, socially isolated … or joint accounts together, but they may not recognize the risk in doing so. Financial abuse is more likely to occur …
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… you normally eat. If your INR is unstable (sometimes too high and sometimes too low) use the chart below to add up …
HealthLinkBC files
… older women and older men. However, they may face different risks and be affected in different ways. Older women are … regular income, such as a pension, putting them at greater risk of fraud In some relationships, the man may be much … crime or a situation that puts an older adult at immediate risk, call the police or 9-1-1 right away.Advise that you …