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HealthLinkBC files
… get the vaccine? The vaccine is free for people at high risk of getting sick from pneumococcal infections including: … to delay getting immunized because of a cold or other mild illness. However, if you have concerns speak with your … spread through saliva. For example, by kissing or sharing food, drinks, cigarettes, lipsticks, water bottles, sport …
HealthLinkBC files
HealthLinkBC files
… includes vegetables and fruits, whole grains and protein foods daily. Examples of healthy eating patterns include Canada’s food guide and the Mediterranean and DASH diets. It’s … small amounts of food more often and choose foods that are higher in calories. Here are some examples of nutritious …
HealthLinkBC files
… to ingest (drink or eat) it or breathe in (inhale) airborne water droplets. Is using water from asbestos-cement pipes a risk to my health? According to Health Canada and the World … water from asbestos-cement pipes is not considered a risk to your health. While it is also possible that water …
HealthLinkBC files
… childbirth or while breast/chest feeding. Because of the risk of passing HIV to your baby, it is very important for … have any questions about HIV testing or ways to reduce your risk of getting HIV and other sexually transmitted … HIV. How can I prevent HIV infection? You can reduce your risk of HIV infection by using safer sex supplies such as …
HealthLinkBC files
… Punjabi Document Spanish Document Vietnamese Certain foods and beverages can affect how your warfarin works. This … K helps our blood to clot. Vitamin K is found in various foods that we eat. Green leafy vegetables are rich in … been in the hospital on a limited diet (due to surgery or illness) and return home to your normal diet. You plan to …
HealthLinkBC files
… and cause shortness of breath If you have a respiratory illness, you may be at higher risk of experiencing health effects from nitrogen dioxide …
HealthLinkBC files
… of air quality for the next 36 hours. The level of health risk is provided on a scale of 1 to 10 or higher. The health risk is also labeled “low”, “moderate”, … (early) death, particularly among people who have a higher risk of being affected by particle pollution …
HealthLinkBC files
… at birth if their mother has hepatitis B, or is at high risk of hepatitis B infection. A baby who has a household … get the vaccine at birth. For a list of those who are at higher risk of hepatitis B infection, see HealthLinkBC File … the same household with someone who has hepatitis B are at higher risk of getting infected and should get the hepatitis …
HealthLinkBC files
… the well. Fecal organisms cause stomach and intestinal illnesses, including diarrhea and nausea, and may even lead … are found in small quantities that are little or no risk to human health. For example, low levels of fluoride … treat your drinking water before drinking it, using it for food preparation, or brushing your teeth. For short term …