224 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… lower abdomen, eyebrows, eyelashes, and facial hair. How are they spread? Pubic lice cannot jump or fly. Pubic … of the eyelashes. The bites may also become infected, causing irritation and painful swelling. Bites from the lice … a sealed airtight plastic bag for 7 days to kill the lice. How can I reduce my chance of getting a sexually transmitted …
HealthLinkBC files
… testing for men is not routinely available or recommended. How is it spread? Trichomoniasis is spread by having vaginal … after treatment is not necessary unless symptoms persist. How can I reduce my chance of getting a sexually transmitted infection (STI)? Practice safer sex by using a condom When used correctly, external (“male”) and …
HealthLinkBC files
… need to see a health care provider and have lab tests done. How is it spread? Gonorrhea is passed from one person to … 6 months after treatment. If you are pregnant and/or breastfeeding, you should have a follow-up test 3 to 4 weeks … are being treated with antibiotics, it is important to keep using your birth control as you normally would. If you have …
HealthLinkBC files
… need to see a health care provider and have lab tests done. How is it spread? Chlamydia is passed from one person to … 6 months after treatment. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, have a follow-up test 3 to 4 weeks after … are being treated with antibiotics, it is important to keep using your birth control as you normally would. If you have …
HealthLinkBC files
… Campylobacter infection? Campylobacter infection is usually self-limited, which means it usually ends without treatment. … neurological condition) can occur after campylobacteriosis. How can I become infected with Campylobacter ? Campylobacter … or meats Make sure poultry and meats are well-cooked by using a meat thermometer. Measure the internal temperature …
HealthLinkBC files
… with public access must comply with the BC Pool Regulation. How can I stay safe when swimming? Look for and read the … and hair could catch in the suction of these drains, causing drowning. Tie back long hair or wear a swim cap. Never … Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) – adult and child Self-rescue and skills for rescuing others Many agencies …
HealthLinkBC files
… to humans. Some people do not react at all to the bites, however others may have a small skin reaction. In rare … to prevent infection and keep the affected area clean. Using antiseptic creams or lotions, as well as … owners should check municipal bylaws before attempting self-treatment to ensure that treatment is completed safely …
HealthLinkBC files
… HealthLinkBC File #42 Radon in homes and other dwellings . How can I improve indoor air quality? For detailed … with electric alternatives (for combustion by-products) and using low-VOC products and building materials in your home … on or open a nearby window for at least 30 minutes after showering or cooking If water damage occurs, repair the leak …
HealthLinkBC files
… a disabling condition and relies on others for help. How do men and women experience abuse differently? Abuse hurts both older women and older men. However, they may face different risks and be affected in … than a man, and she may have less ability to defend herself from physical abuse Older women are more likely than …
HealthLinkBC files
… in a sleeping state and prevents them from multiplying. How is a TB skin test done? A TST is a two-part test. First …