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HealthLinkBC files
… cell transplant. Those who have hemophilia or receive repeated infusions of blood or blood products. Those who are … liver damage, which can lead to liver cancer and death. When you get immunized, you help protect others as well. … getting immunized because of a cold or other mild illness. However, if you have concerns speak with your health care …
HealthLinkBC files
… and wooded areas. They are easiest to spot on a person when they are feeding. Ticks burrow part way into the skin, … some mouth parts behind, which can cause an infection. How to remove a tick yourself If you can remove the tick … few hours to a day or two days after the bite What is the treatment? There are currently no vaccines licensed in Canada …
HealthLinkBC files
… adult now relies on them. Some family members may not know how to provide the care or help needed. They may not … family member may not realize their legal responsibilities when assisting an older adult with finances, particularly … Making changes in your lifestyle, including the amount you eat, or the amount of tea, coffee or alcohol you drink …
HealthLinkBC files
… metal that is liquid at room temperature, and forms beads when spilled. Some of it also evaporates to form a … throughout the body. The level of toxicity depends on how much mercury vapour you inhale, and for how long. When … This causes symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, chest pain and headaches. Gastro-intestinal symptoms …
HealthLinkBC files
… that will help you and your health care provider create the best care plan for you and your baby. What is a … Your care provider will then review the findings with you. How is the prenatal ultrasound done? There are 2 ways to do … that have an isolated ultrasound “marker” are completely healthy and well. Ultrasound cannot detect all prenatal …
HealthLinkBC files
… by Health Canada. For more information, visit Immunize BC: How vaccines work . Who should get the vaccine? The protein … severe COVID-19 illness, including hospitalization and death. When you get immunized, you help protect others as well, …
HealthLinkBC files
… Document Punjabi Document Spanish Document Vietnamese How is pasteurized milk different from raw milk? Pasteurized milk is raw milk that has been heated to a specified temperature for a specified amount of … reduce the risk from disease by following 5 easy steps for home pasteurization: Clean and sanitize milk bottles: Clean …
HealthLinkBC files
… parasite that infects the intestines of humans and animals. When a person gets sick, the infection is called giardiasis … who drink water that has not been properly filtered, treated or boiled. How can I become infected with Giardia ? Giardia cysts can …
HealthLinkBC files
… coughing, sneezing, sinus congestion, shortness of breath, dizziness and nausea. It can irritate the skin, eyes, … air quality is caused by indoor air pollution, especially when ventilation is limited. Knowing possible causes will … HealthLinkBC File #42 Radon in homes and other dwellings . How can I improve indoor air quality? For detailed …
HealthLinkBC files
… vapour is a mix of smoke or vapour released by burning or heating tobacco or vaping liquid. It’s produced when using combustible tobacco products and electronic … reduce the risks, such as by making your home smoke-free. How harmful is second-hand tobacco smoke? Second-hand …