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237 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… Headache Abdominal (stomach) pain Diarrhea Chills or sweats Shaking Fever Nausea and vomiting If left untreated, … malaria as children will have some immunity to infection. However, this wears off a few years after moving away from … Canada from at risk areas will need anti-malaria medication when visiting or returning to at risk areas.y How can I …
HealthLinkBC files
… a weakened immune system are most at risk of becoming sick. How are diseases spread from animals to people? Animals … carry many types of harmful germs even if they appear healthy. You can get sick if you come into contact with the … can spread from hands to mouth. This can happen through eating, sucking fingers or when children put toys into their …
HealthLinkBC files
… and often occurs in the summer. Impetigo is usually caused when bacteria enter the body through breaks in the skin, … be surrounded by redness. The rash will spread if not treated. This rash usually appears around the nose, mouth, and … can get into the bloodstream and cause kidney disease. How is it spread? Impetigo is very infectious. It spreads …
HealthLinkBC files
… Document Vietnamese Medical and scientific research shows that absorption of even very low levels of lead into … to use in areas accessible to children or pregnant women. When painting your home, make sure that the paint you use … Whenever you disturb surfaces with lead paint, you risk creating hazardous lead dust even if the lead paint is covered …
HealthLinkBC files
… Wash your hands often to keep yourself and others healthy. Hand washing is the most important thing you can do … yourself and others by knowing when to wash your hands. How should I properly wash my hands? To properly wash your … water for at least 20 seconds, and rub hands together to create lather (to help children wash their hands long enough, …
HealthLinkBC files
… each year. Falls are the leading cause of injury-related deaths and hospitalizations for adults aged 65 years and … long-term disability and reduced quality of life. Falls, however, are not a normal part of aging. They are … it also increases energy levels, helps to keep your brain healthy and improves mood Adults aged 65 and older should do …
HealthLinkBC files
… without proper ventilation may also help mould grow. How do I know if my home has moulds? Look for discoloration … in planters Stop stagnant water from collecting around heating ventilation and air conditioning system parts. Empty … and mould indoors The Canadian Lung Association – Your Healthy Home Image … Indoor air quality Mould and other …
HealthLinkBC files
… as wildfires, floods, landslides, earthquakes and severe weather requires special consideration of seniors’ needs. … emergency plan. What will happen if I have to evacuate my home in an emergency? If the police or RCMP orders you to … home until emergency authorities say it is safe to do so. How can I prepare to evacuate in an emergency? Create a …
HealthLinkBC files
… commercial tobacco and the addiction epidemic we see today. When is the best time to quit? It is always a good time to … attack is the same as that of someone who never smoked. How can I get ready to quit? Planning can help you succeed. … Relaxation techniques such as mindfulness or deep breathing helps many people cope with this. NRT or …
HealthLinkBC files
… to consider the needs of seniors in long-term care when planning for, or responding to emergencies. How are family members cared for in a long-term care … This is particularly important during extreme hot or cold weather Do they have behaviours that put them at risk of …