224 results found
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… Document Vietnamese Medical and scientific research shows that absorption of even very low levels of lead into … lead exposure and no known safe blood lead concentration. However, as lead exposure increases, the range and severity … If it contains lead, the paint will have a warning label. How can I test my home? You can check painted surfaces for …
HealthLinkBC files
… support and build trust for loved ones who use substances. How can families, caregivers and friends reduce harm with … Accept that the person may not want supports at this time How can families, caregivers, and friends reduce harm with a … Toward the Heart https://towardtheheart.com/ Here to Help: Mental …
HealthLinkBC files
… the disease (it is about 50 to 55 percent effective). However, it is also very important to have good personal … same house or have sexual contact with a typhoid carrier How is the vaccine given? The typhoid vaccine is either … at home. The travel clinic will provide instructions on how to take the vaccine. It is important to follow the …
HealthLinkBC files
… the risk for other health conditions (e.g., diabetes and heart disease) Poor dental health may affect the general oral health of your developing baby. Research shows there may be a link between periodontal disease and … ear infections and may have a higher risk of infant death How can I keep my teeth and gums healthy? Your teeth can be …
HealthLinkBC files
… treated liquid into the ground for final treatment How does a septic tank or treatment plant work? Septic tank … septic tank. This also allows for a smaller dispersal area. How can I install an onsite sewage system? Every owner who … the owner and the health authority will receive the copies. How is an onsite sewage system maintained and serviced? Once …
HealthLinkBC files
… is very rare and hospital care is usually not needed. How does the virus spread? Norovirus is found in the vomit … more than 2 or 3 days, or if dehydration is a concern. How can you prevent infection with the virus? There is no … with a freshly made 1:50 solution of bleach and water How to make a 1:50 (1,000 ppm) solution of bleach and water: …
HealthLinkBC files
… support resources Crisis information Reuniting families How can I become a volunteer? In British Columbia, the … . How can I manage stress while volunteering? Being a …
HealthLinkBC files
… neurological condition) can occur after campylobacteriosis. How can I become infected with Campylobacter ? Campylobacter … water can be contaminated with human feces or animal waste. How can I prevent Campylobacter infection? It is important … aware of the risks with the food products you buy, and know how to prepare your food safely. Handle and prepare all raw …
HealthLinkBC files
… air. For more information on safe handling of asbestos, see WorkSafeBC – Safe Work Practices for Handling Asbestos at … . How can asbestos get into my drinking water? Asbestos may … While it is also possible that water droplets from the shower or humidifiers may contain asbestos fibres, exposure …
HealthLinkBC files
… give you specific antibiotics that work for these bacteria. How is CPO spread? CPO are normally found in the gut. The … File #85 Hand washing: Help stop the spread of germs . How common are CPO? CPO infections are very rare. Only a small number of cases have been identified in B.C. However, CPO are an emerging threat and are increasing …