224 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… cervical mucus or the ability of sperm to bind to the egg. However, like any contraceptive method, these pills are not … for people who have a greater body mass index (see How can I tell if the pills worked or not?). It is very … including EC, without a parent’s or guardian's consent. How can I tell if the pills worked or not? The effectiveness …
HealthLinkBC files
… your health, read HealthLinkBC: Wildfires and your health . How can wildfires affect drinking water quality? Possible … can also cause contamination of water after it's treated. How do I know if my water quality has been affected? If you … lake), you should check to make sure your system still works properly. A wildfire could cause it to lose power, …
HealthLinkBC files
… File #49a Water-borne Infections in British Columbia . How long has chlorine been used to disinfect water? Chlorine … Canada use chlorine disinfectants to treat drinking water. How is chlorine added to my drinking water? There are many … choice of water treatment experts. Current scientific data show that the benefits of chlorination are much greater than …
HealthLinkBC files
… the skin reacts to the mites, their eggs or their feces. How is scabies spread? Scabies is usually spread by … scabies before, symptoms usually start within a few days. How do I know I have scabies? The most common sign of … of the large number of mites found in and on the skin. How do I know I have crusted (Norwegian) scabies? Signs of …
HealthLinkBC files
… the instructions your health care provider gives you. How do I collect my sputum? To collect sputum, follow these … File #85 Hand washing: Help stop the spread of germs Learn How to get a good sputum sample for your tuberculosis test … lab. Culture results may take up to 8 weeks, depending on how quickly the bacteria grow. The lab will send your test …
HealthLinkBC files
… see HealthLinkBC File #44b Chickenpox (Varicella) Vaccine . How is chickenpox spread? The virus is spread through the … to relieve itching. Dress lightly and avoid hot baths and showers. Ask your pharmacist or health care provider about … covered. Shingles can not be passed from person to person. However, a person who has not had chickenpox or the …
HealthLinkBC files
… and may need an emergency operation to help breathe. How is Hib infection spread? You can spread Hib infection by …
HealthLinkBC files
… to people who live or work outdoors in affected areas. How are these moth populations controlled in B.C.? Many … area, making the spray block appear larger than it is; however, no spraying occurs outside of the delineated … health effects and allergic-type reactions. Results show no increase in illnesses reported by health care …
HealthLinkBC files
… or high blood sugar from poorly controlled diabetes. How is it spread? Vaginal yeast infections are not usually spread during sex. However, if your partner has symptoms, they should also seek … your diabetes; and wear loose-fitting cotton clothing. How can I reduce my chance of getting a sexually transmitted …
HealthLinkBC files
… HealthLinkBC File #38e Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder . How much alcohol is risky? There is no known safe amount of … . How can I prepare for prenatal and health care visits? Some … prenatal care is an important step to a healthy pregnancy. How can others offer support? Many pregnant women and people …