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HealthLinkBC files
… in the southwestern United States in 1993 and in western Canada in 1994. Each year in B.C., only a couple of people … There is no specific treatment, medication or cure however, many of the symptoms and complications of HPS can be treated. Most patients are admitted to intensive care in a hospital. Some patients may be given anti-viral …
HealthLinkBC files
… infection in B.C. has decreased in recent years. How can I become infected with Cryptosporidium ? Cryptosporidium … there is fecal incontinence and poor hygiene, such as child care centers. The risk is greatest for young children who …
HealthLinkBC files
… days. Nymphs become adult lice in 9 to 12 days. Adult lice can live for up to 30 days on a person’s head. A female … No, head lice do not cause illness or spread disease. However, they can be irritating because they cause … should not be sent home or kept home from school or daycare because of head lice. If one person in the household …
HealthLinkBC files
… stomach cramps, fever or blood in stools. Symptoms can begin suddenly and usually last 3 to 4 days. The most … File #85 Hand washing: Help stop the spread of germs . How do I prevent traveller's diarrhea? An oral vaccine to … good personal hygiene (cleaning) practices and being careful about what you eat and drink are the best ways to …
HealthLinkBC files
… Health concerns of hot tubs and pools Hot tubs and pools can provide an environment for pathogens (germs) to grow. … and recirculation of the water in your hot tub or pool. How can I make sure the water is safe? Owners are … a disinfectant residual is present in the pool. Special care should be taken with ozone because it can cause eye and …
HealthLinkBC files
… is a serious illness caused by the measles virus. It can cause encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain, which … #14e Measles, mumps, rubella and varicella (MMRV) vaccine . How is measles spread? Measles is very contagious and … with a measles outbreak, have yourself examined by a health care provider. It is best to call ahead so that you can be …
HealthLinkBC files
… that has not been properly filtered, treated or boiled. How can I become infected with Giardia ? Giardia cysts can … also spread from person-to-person in settings such as child care centers. The risk is greatest for young children who …
HealthLinkBC files
… treated liquid into the ground for final treatment How does a septic tank or treatment plant work? Septic tank … When the septic tank is working properly, these bacteria can reduce the solids by 50 to 60 percent. The liquid … Treatment plant A typical treatment plant uses air to help break down and treat waste. The waste is treated in a …
HealthLinkBC files
… teenagers, adults and people with weakened immune systems can be more serious. Complications from chickenpox include … see HealthLinkBC File #44b Chickenpox (Varicella) Vaccine . How is chickenpox spread? The virus is spread through the … chickenpox, children with the illness should not attend daycare or school until 5 days after the rash first appears or …
HealthLinkBC files
… is a retrovirus that infects human white blood cells. It can cause disease of the nervous system or leukemia. Is this … but cases have been found in British Columbia and Nunavut. How can I tell if I have HTLV-1? Most people who have the … constipation. To confirm that you have HTLV-1, your health care provider may send you for a blood test. How is the …