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… the impact of human activities on well water quality. How does nitrate get into well water? Decomposition of … of chemical fertilizers and animal manure, storage and feedlots) Leaking sewage lines or improperly functioning … in your well water unless you test for it. Nitrate is more often found in groundwater than in surface water. Nitrate is …
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… many people may not be aware that they have the virus. How is it spread? Herpes is passed from person-to-person by … can also cause blisters around the mouth (oral herpes) often called ‘cold sores’ or ‘fever blisters’. Herpes … not cure herpes, but can help to reduce discomfort and how long it takes for a sore to heal.The medication works best …
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… to manage their disease. This includes information about how to prevent passing HIV to other people. A person with … baby during pregnancy, childbirth or while breast/chest feeding. Because of the risk of passing HIV to your baby, it … infections (STIs), speak to your health care provider. How do I get tested? You can get a referral for an HIV test …
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… or fish and soft cooked gai lan (Chinese broccoli) Fish chowder with whole grain bread sticks Pizza made with whole … recipe database: https://food-guide.canada.ca/en/recipes/ How do I help my child eat safely? Young children are at … babies and young children: For child care providers (#110b) Feeding your baby formula: Before you start (#69a) Feeding …
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… growth and development, including brain development. How can I make sure my child has enough iron? Introduce … babies and young children: For child care providers (#110b) Feeding your baby formula: Before you start (#69a) Feeding your baby formula: Safely making and storing formula …
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… violence than older men, in part because they usually live longer. That abuse or neglect more often comes from the older woman's spouse, partner or adult … a disabling condition and relies on others for help. How do men and women experience abuse differently? Abuse …
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… Ticks are tiny bugs, about the size of a sesame seed, which feed on blood. Different ticks prefer feeding from different … some mouth parts behind, which can cause an infection. How to remove a tick yourself If you can remove the tick … container (e.g., a pill bottle) with a tight-fitting lid along with a cotton ball dampened with water to keep it …
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… radon gas becomes diluted with air and poses little risk. However, radon gas can build up inside homes and other … around service pipes, floor drains and window casements. How does radon affect my health and what is my risk? Exposure to radon over the long-term can cause lung cancer. About 16% of lung cancer …
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… movements (stools) that are hard to pass or happen less often than usual for you. You may feel like you need to have … rectum in place Blockage of stool in the large intestine How can my diet help with constipation? Fibre and fluids … substances that can help relieve constipation. However, the long-term use of some laxatives can make your body depend on …
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… severe skin rashes, eye and ear infections, and pneumonia. How can I make sure the water is safe? If you are unsure of … on how many people use your pool or hot tub, and how often it is used. At a minimum, clean it as per the … (102.0oF) if you are pregnant. Sitting in hot water for a long time can cause severe heat-related illnesses, such as …