215 results found
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… need to see a health care provider and have lab tests done. How is it spread? Gonorrhea is passed from one person to … Gonorrhea can be passed to a baby's eyes during childbirth. This may lead to blindness if the baby is not … the early symptoms are sometimes so mild that they are mistaken for a bladder infection or dismissed as a mild vaginal …
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… abortion is a series of pills (Mifegymiso®) that you can take at home, if you are less than 9 weeks pregnant. … cervical mucus or the ability of sperm to bind to the egg. However, like any contraceptive method, these pills are not … that damages sperm and egg before they can meet. Like any birth control method, the IUD is not 100 percent effective. …
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… of Q fever? About half the people who get Q fever will not show any signs of the illness. Most of the time, Q fever is mistaken for a short-term viral illness such as influenza. … numbers of these bacteria are found in tissues involved in birth including the uterus, placenta and birth fluids. Q …
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… visit Perinatal Services BC www.newbornscreeningbc.ca . How is my baby screened? Your baby’s heel is pricked and a few drops of blood are taken and put onto a special card. Your baby may cry, but … all the disorders on the screening panel. How soon after birth will my baby be screened? The ideal time to collect …
HealthLinkBC files
… methods) Gender-affirming/transition care (the Pill) Acne control (some methods) Preventing heavy bleeding during … as anti-seizure drugs. Ask your health care provider about how your hormonal contraception may affect your other … (Accutane®) for acne, significantly increase the risk of birth defects. It is important to use effective …
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… and the sun is on your bare skin. Many factors affect how much vitamin D your body can make such as: Age: less is … vitamin D needs since it increases the risk of skin cancer. How much vitamin D do I need each day? Recommended amounts of vitamin D include the total intake from food and supplements. Age Aim for Stay below 0-6 …
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… of corticosteroid; problems with your immune system; use of birth control pills; pregnancy; or high blood sugar from poorly controlled diabetes. How is it spread? Vaginal yeast infections are not usually …
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… testing for men is not routinely available or recommended. How is it spread? Trichomoniasis is spread by having vaginal … your baby may be born early (premature) and/or with a low birth weight. It is also associated with a higher chance of … then your last sexual partner will need treatment. It takes time for the infection to clear from the body, so it …
HealthLinkBC files
… babies to be stillborn or to have lifelong disabilities. How can I lower my baby's risk of being born with a neural … folic acid. At least 3 months before becoming pregnant: Take a daily multivitamin with 400 microgram (mcg) (0.4 … also very high in vitamin A. Too much vitamin A may cause birth defects, especially during the first trimester. If you …
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… to manage their disease. This includes information about how to prevent passing HIV to other people. A person with … HIV can pass the virus to their baby during pregnancy, childbirth or while breast/chest feeding. Because of the risk of … this chance is mostly eliminated if you consistently take HIV medicines to reduce the amount of virus in your …