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HealthLinkBC files
… factor) or more Your child’s car seat. They may be able to use it on the plane if they have their own seat Can I travel … you are going, what you plan to do while you are there, how long you are staying, and the age of your child. Carry a … child needs and the risk of infection while travelling. How can I prevent illness? Breastfeeding is the best way to …
HealthLinkBC files
… not considered a sexually transmitted infection (STI). However, if you are exposed to an STI while you have BV, you are more likely to be infected by that STI. How do I know if I have BV? To find out if you have BV, you … infection does not spread into the fallopian tubes and cause Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), a more serious …
HealthLinkBC files
… are sexually transmitted infections (STIs) that commonly cause PID. Other infections that are not sexually transmitted … examined by a health care provider and have lab tests done. How is it spread? PID is most often caused by STIs. Factors … do not have any symptoms, and do not know they have it. However, when present, the most common symptoms are: Pain in …
HealthLinkBC files
… Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by bacteria. In women, the infection may occur in the … need to see a health care provider and have lab tests done. How is it spread? Gonorrhea is passed from one person to … cause discharge from the anus, rectal pain, mucous with stools, painful bowel movements and redness in the anal area. …
HealthLinkBC files
… Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by bacteria. The infection may occur in the rectum (the … need to see a health care provider and have lab tests done. How is it spread? Chlamydia is passed from one person to … cause discharge from the anus, rectal pain, mucous with stools, painful bowel movements and redness in the anal area. …
HealthLinkBC files
… infections. CPO are usually a low risk and rarely cause an infection in healthy people. If they spread from the … give you specific antibiotics that work for these bacteria. How is CPO spread? CPO are normally found in the gut. The … File #85 Hand washing: Help stop the spread of germs . How common are CPO? CPO infections are very rare. Only a …
HealthLinkBC files
… genital tract and on skin around the anal area. Human stools (bowel movements) have the highest levels of these … can be present in or on the body but usually do not cause illness. Occasionally enterococci can get into open … Infections caused by VRE may be very hard to treat. How is VRE spread? The most common way VRE spreads from …
HealthLinkBC files
… Spanish Document Vietnamese When are onsite sewage systems used? Any home or building that is not connected to a … treated liquid into the ground for final treatment How does a septic tank or treatment plant work? Septic tank … septic tank. This also allows for a smaller dispersal area. How can I install an onsite sewage system? Every owner who …
HealthLinkBC files
… of UV radiation include tanning beds and welding equipment. How damaging is UV radiation? When exposed to UV radiation, … can affect your skin, eyes, and immune system. UVA causes immediate tanning (the darkening of the melanin in your … can take years for the effects of repeated sun exposure to show. UV radiation can also impact the health of your eyes. …
HealthLinkBC files
… mineral fibres found in rock. For decades, asbestos was used as a building material in homes and other buildings. It … risk factors for asbestos exposure? Many factors influence how exposure to asbestos will affect your health. Risk … such as if you smoke or have pre-existing lung diseases How much asbestos was in the air How long your exposure …