222 results found
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… the activity you are doing and where you are going. Always use well-marked trails when hiking and stay on them to avoid getting lost. How can I prepare for the wilderness? Whether your activity … out a trip plan. Tell others where you are going and for how long. Visit …
HealthLinkBC files
… What is malaria? Malaria is a very serious disease caused by different Plasmodium species. These tiny parasites … malaria as children will have some immunity to infection. However, this wears off a few years after moving away from … medication when visiting or returning to at risk areas.y How can I protect myself from malaria? If you travel to an …
HealthLinkBC files
… is called campylobacteriosis. Campylobacter is a common cause of diarrhea worldwide. It is the most commonly reported … neurological condition) can occur after campylobacteriosis. How can I become infected with Campylobacter ? Campylobacter … by your local Health Authority) after your last loose stool or episode of vomiting. This will allow you time to …
HealthLinkBC files
… oils found naturally in animal and plant foods, and those used in cooking, at the table, and added to processed foods. … Fats are called saturated or unsaturated depending on how much of each type of fatty acid they contain. For … shelf life of packaged products. Read the food label to see how much saturated fat a food contains. Trans fat There are …
HealthLinkBC files
… a retrovirus that infects human white blood cells. It can cause disease of the nervous system or leukemia. Is this a new … but cases have been found in British Columbia and Nunavut. How can I tell if I have HTLV-1? Most people who have the … your health care provider may send you for a blood test. How is the virus spread? HTLV-1 is spread from an infected …
HealthLinkBC files
… Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection caused by one of the two types of the herpes simplex virus … many people may not be aware that they have the virus. How is it spread? Herpes is passed from person-to-person by … (when sores or blisters, or warning symptoms are present). However, HSV can still be passed when there are no symptoms …
HealthLinkBC files
… include mood swings and memory loss. The disease also causes problems with movement and advances quickly to a … The vCJD prion is the same prion found in cows with BSE. How does a person get vCJD? vCJD is not passed from person to person. However, it can be passed from someone with vCJD to others …
HealthLinkBC files
… to manage their disease. This includes information about how to prevent passing HIV to other people. A person with … pregnancy, childbirth or while breast/chest feeding. Because of the risk of passing HIV to your baby, it is very … infections (STIs), speak to your health care provider. How do I get tested? You can get a referral for an HIV test …
HealthLinkBC files
… with public access must comply with the BC Pool Regulation. How can I stay safe when swimming? Look for and read the … when wet. Be careful getting in and out of the pool Use a handrail if possible and avoid climbing on slippery or … Canada approval, and the right size for your weight. How can I protect my child? Never leave your child alone …
HealthLinkBC files
… is yersiniosis? Yersiniosis is an intestinal infection caused by bacteria called Yersinia . How is yersiniosis spread? Yersinia bacteria can be carried … some questions. They may also ask you to provide a fecal (stool) sample. This will help find the source of the …