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HealthLinkBC files
… arm, leg or other body part. This kind of infection can cause gangrene – the death of tissue in a part of the body. … bacteria sometimes cause necrotizing fasciitis. However, these bacteria make toxins that destroy body tissue … HealthLinkBC File #106 Group A Streptococcal Infections . How is it spread? Group A streptococcus bacteria spread by …
HealthLinkBC files
… attached garages VOCs can be released from products during use and even in storage. However, the amounts of VOCs emitted from products tend to … VOCs are suspected of causing cancer and some have been shown to cause cancer in humans. Most people are not affected …
HealthLinkBC files
… if you do not drink enough fluids to stay hydrated. What causes heat-related illness? A healthy human body maintains a … or other substances Previous heat stroke High humidity How can I prevent heat-related illness? There are many ways … in air-conditioned buildings or take a cool bath or shower. At temperatures above 30°C (86°F), fans alone may not …
HealthLinkBC files
… influenza vaccine is safe. It contains killed influenza viruses or parts of the viruses that cannot cause influenza. … tend to be worse with a greater risk of complications. How can influenza be prevented? You can reduce the risk of … and sneezing into your shirt sleeve rather than your hands How does influenza spread? Influenza spreads easily from …
HealthLinkBC files
… Document Vietnamese What is mumps? Mumps is a disease caused by the mumps virus. Mumps was a common childhood … may increase the rate of miscarriage but has not been shown to cause birth defects. Is there a mumps vaccine? There … #14e Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Varicella (MMRV) Vaccine . How is mumps spread? Mumps is very contagious and spreads …
HealthLinkBC files
… tick without leaving some mouth parts behind, which can cause an infection. How to remove a tick yourself If you can remove the tick … can be disposed of in your household garbage once dead. How do I avoid getting bitten by a tick? You can help …
HealthLinkBC files
… Influenza is an acute infection of the respiratory system caused by the influenza virus. Getting sick with influenza … years with widespread or epidemic influenza activity. How can you prevent influenza? You can reduce the risk of … getting sick with influenza and spreading it to others. How does influenza spread? Influenza spreads easily from …
HealthLinkBC files
… your immune system makes to fight germs, such as viruses or bacteria. Health Canada has approved Ig. Is immune … infections could be passed on through the use of Ig. However, since blood screening and testing began, there have … feeling in the upper-right stomach area, dark urine, pale stools and jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes). Some …
HealthLinkBC files
… access to fluoridated water supply through their community. How does fluoride prevent tooth decay? Fluoride protects … water suppliers should make the test results available to users and the public. If you have a private/domestic well, … for the past 70 years. Decades of extensive research show that water fluoridation is a safe, effective and …
HealthLinkBC files
… Babies and young children are at high risk of choking because they: Have less practice controlling food in their … calm and encourage them to cough the object or food out. However, you should take the child to the emergency room … are used in watches, calculators and handheld games How can I make eating safer for a child? Until children are …