162 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… of UV radiation include tanning beds and welding equipment. How damaging is UV radiation? When exposed to UV radiation, … can affect your skin, eyes, and immune system. UVA causes immediate tanning (the darkening of the melanin in your … Know your skin type Your sensitivity to UV radiation depends on the amount of pigment in your skin and your skin's …
HealthLinkBC files
… anxious to get back to ordinary life as soon as possible. However, it is important to remember that flood waters are … . If the water in the well looks clear, you may be able to use it after disinfection. For information on how to … need to use a hose, buckets of water and rough scrubbers. Open all windows to help with drying and apply heat using a …
HealthLinkBC files
… disorder? Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a term used to describe a range of health and behavioural problems … language, social skills, behaviour, hearing and vision. How much alcohol causes FASD? FASD is prevented by avoiding … How soon you can start breast/chest feeding again will depend on how many drinks you have had. Ideally, it is best to …
HealthLinkBC files
… Spanish Document Vietnamese When are onsite sewage systems used? Any home or building that is not connected to a … treated liquid into the ground for final treatment How does a septic tank or treatment plant work? Septic tank … Sewage systems usually need servicing every 2 to 5 years, depending on the number of people using the system and the …
HealthLinkBC files
… HealthLink BC File number 65f Download PDF Document English How is air quality determined? Air quality is determined by … to the next and from one hour to the next. This is because air quality is influenced by several things: The types … in the air can also affect your health. These particles penetrate deeply into the lungs. This can cause irritation …
HealthLinkBC files
… my baby screened? A small spot of your baby’s blood can be used to get important information about their health. A … Shock Unexpected death Blood disorders: Blood disorders happen when the part of the red blood cell that carries oxygen … visit Perinatal Services BC www.newbornscreeningbc.ca . How is my baby screened? Your baby’s heel is pricked and a …
HealthLinkBC files
… more than 20 types of rodents in British Columbia, only 3 cause common domestic or farmyard problems. This includes the: … in attics, under foundations, or even chewing material. How can I get rid of rodents? Rats and mice have babies … Ultrasound repellers, although effective at first, are expensive and do not have long-term success at eliminating …
HealthLinkBC files
… are prescribed for pain relief and are safe when correctly used and in ways that are well understood and managed. What is an opioid overdose? An opioid drug overdose happens when a person takes more opioids than their body can … program teaches individuals who may witness an overdose how to respond and provide potentially life-saving care …
HealthLinkBC files
… with public access must comply with the BC Pool Regulation. How can I stay safe when swimming? Look for and read the … when wet. Be careful getting in and out of the pool Use a handrail if possible and avoid climbing on slippery or … your child alone near water Drowning is silent and can happen in seconds, even in just a few centimetres of water …
HealthLinkBC files
… or salt. Salt and water are the most common ingredients used to manufacture the chlorine used in your drinking … File #49a Water-borne Infections in British Columbia . How long has chlorine been used to disinfect water? Chlorine … other treatments. They can be easier to handle and less expensive. This makes them a better choice for homeowners who …