164 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… with public access must comply with the BC Pool Regulation. How can I stay safe when swimming? Look for and read the … when wet. Be careful getting in and out of the pool Use a handrail if possible and avoid climbing on slippery or … your child alone near water Drowning is silent and can happen in seconds, even in just a few centimetres of water …
HealthLinkBC files
… or salt. Salt and water are the most common ingredients used to manufacture the chlorine used in your drinking … File #49a Water-borne Infections in British Columbia . How long has chlorine been used to disinfect water? Chlorine … other treatments. They can be easier to handle and less expensive. This makes them a better choice for homeowners who …
HealthLinkBC files
… are prescribed for pain relief and are safe when correctly used and in ways that are well understood and managed. What is an opioid overdose? An opioid drug overdose happens when a person takes more opioids than their body can … program teaches individuals who may witness an overdose how to respond and provide potentially life-saving care …
HealthLinkBC files
… influenza vaccine is safe. It contains killed influenza viruses or parts of the viruses that cannot cause influenza. … and last a shorter time compared to influenza infection. When should seniors get the influenza vaccine? It is … tend to be worse with a greater risk of complications. How can influenza be prevented? You can reduce the risk of …
HealthLinkBC files
… Hazards, such as wildfires, floods and earthquakes, can happen at any time. It is important to consider the needs of … care when planning for, or responding to emergencies. How are family members cared for in a long-term care … and security of your home Preparing your home with a household emergency plan Preparing an emergency kit with food, …
HealthLinkBC files
… pulmonary syndrome (HPS) is a severe illness that is caused by a virus called hantavirus. This rare disease was … There is no specific treatment, medication or cure however, many of the symptoms and complications of HPS can … risk of catching the virus. However, the chances of this happening are extremely low. Rodent infestation in and around …
HealthLinkBC files
… tick if it has buried itself deep into your skin. This happens if the tick has been on you for several hours or even a … tick without leaving some mouth parts behind, which can cause an infection. How to remove a tick yourself If you can remove the tick …
HealthLinkBC files
… Document Vietnamese Eating food contaminated with germs causes foodborne illness, also known as food poisoning. Common … child-care facilities can help prevent foodborne illness. How can I prevent foodborne illness? Clean Wash your hands … facilities require a food service permit. This will depend on the number of children in your facility and the …
HealthLinkBC files
… Babies and young children are at high risk of choking because they: Have less practice controlling food in their … not be able to breathe and could die. Choking can also happen when foods or objects get stuck in the voice box, vocal … calm and encourage them to cough the object or food out. However, you should take the child to the emergency room …
HealthLinkBC files
… Rabies is a very serious and almost always fatal disease caused by a rabies virus. The virus infects the brain and … act strangely but not always act aggressively. They may show a variety of signs, including fearfulness, aggression, … the bat Slide a piece of cardboard underneath to cover the opening Place the covered container in a cool place away from …