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HealthLinkBC files
… heat over 31C for long periods can be dangerous. If it gets very hot in your home, plan to go somewhere cooler if … much faster than an older child or adult. What signs should I look for? Your infant or young child may not be … They may just look unwell or be more fussy than usual. What should I do if my child is showing signs of heat-related …
HealthLinkBC files
… person. How are head lice spread? Anyone who has hair can get head lice. Having head lice does not mean a person has … Head lice will not go away without treatment. Children should not be sent home or kept home from school or daycare … household members do as well. All members of the household should be checked on the same day, and those with lice …
HealthLinkBC files
… for total lead in drinking water, measured at the tap. You should make every effort to maintain lead levels in drinking … HealthLinkBC File #31 Lead Paint and Hazards . How can lead get into my drinking water? Lead was once commonly used in … is suspected or has been measured in your water supply, you should reduce your exposure to the lead. If you are …
HealthLinkBC files
… When cataracts develop the lens becomes cloudy. Most people get cataracts with age and have them in both eyes. One eye … that there are benefits from surgery. At that time, surgery should be considered, and delaying may not be best. What … drops to help. What symptoms will I have and when should I call my doctor? Expected symptoms: Within 24 hours …
HealthLinkBC files
… of the water, looking for bird and mammal hosts. How can I get swimmer’s itch? If schistosome larvae are present in a … very irritating, especially for young children, but there should not be any serious danger. However, if a skin infection occurs from too much scratching, you should see your health care provider. For More Information …
HealthLinkBC files
… ). You should contact your local health authority for further … it is safe for you and your family to drink. Water samples should be sent to qualified laboratory for testing (see … testing for a broader combination of chemicals. How do I get my well water tested? Your water should be tested by a …
HealthLinkBC files
… If you can see through your clothing, UV radiation can get through. Sun-protective suits specially made for … 98 per cent and SPF 100 blocks 99 per cent. Sunscreen should also be “broad spectrum,” which means it screens both … 30 lip balm and reapply it every hour. How much sunscreen should I apply? To get the best protection, you need to …
HealthLinkBC files
… ask you for help if necessary Control the urge until they get seated on the potty Do not pressure your child to use … a more goal-oriented approach. At a minimum, your child should be comfortable sitting on the toilet for a few … a variety of approaches and strategies for toilet learning should be considered. How can I introduce the idea of toilet …
HealthLinkBC files
… Document Punjabi Document Spanish Document Vietnamese Why should I disinfect my drinking water? Water from lakes, … when animal or human feces containing these pathogens get into drinking water. These pathogens may include … filtration or using a combination of these methods. When should I disinfect my drinking water? In most cases, …
HealthLinkBC files
… people with weak immune systems are at the highest risk of getting sick. What is Tuberculosis (TB)? TB is a serious … do not need to wear a mask when you are outside, but you should stay away from other people. How should I dispose of masks and tissues after I use them? Your …