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… How to take a temperature: Children and adults Last updated August 1, 2021 … humidity Significant perspiration Positioning on forehead Exposure to cold or hot weather before temperature measurement Follow …
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… released into the air Weather conditions, such as wind, temperature and rainfall Natural geographical features such … forest fires Who is at the highest risk of sulphur dioxide exposure? Workers in industrial facilities where sulphur … the nasal passage, throat and eyes Symptoms may be worse in cold weather, which can also cause the airways to tighten. …
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… mercury is a shiny, silvery metal that is liquid at room temperature, and forms beads when spilled. Some of it also … to form a colourless and odorless vapour at room and higher temperatures. Where might I have elemental mercury in my … and the mercury spills. What are the health effects of exposure to elemental mercury? If inhaled Exposure to …
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… to ensure its safety. All blood donors are screened for exposure to viruses such as HIV and hepatitis. Each blood … globulin? Your health care provider may give you Ig after exposure to hepatitis A or measles. How can I prevent … illness caused by the measles virus. It causes fever, rash, cold-like symptoms and red, inflamed eyes that can be …
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… cause scarring and inflammation. Regular or long periods of exposure to high levels of asbestos in the air can be … of the body cavity) What are the risk factors for asbestos exposure? Many factors influence how exposure to asbestos will affect your health. Risk factors …
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… caused by VOCs depend on the concentration and length of exposure to the chemicals. VOCs include a variety of … to the liver, kidneys or central nervous system Long-term exposure may also cause damage to the liver, kidneys, or … in humans. Most people are not affected by short-term exposure to the low levels of VOCs found in homes. Some …
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… Children have sensitive skin that can easily be damaged by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation (rays) of the sun, even on cloudy or overcast days. Too much sun exposure can cause sunburns, heat stroke/heat exhaustion, … outdoor metal slides or car doors. Research has shown that exposure to UV radiation can also affect the immune system, …
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… source of lead but precautions can be taken to reduce exposure. Removing, repairing or disturbing lead paint … to you and your family. What are the health hazards of lead exposure? Exposure to lead-based paint usually occurs from ingestion. …
HealthLinkBC files
… 70 that can cause cancer. There is no risk-free level of exposure to second-hand smoke or vapour. How does second-hand smoke harm your health? Regular exposure to second-hand smoke can cause harm. The risk and severity of the harm depends on the length of exposure and amount of smoke you are exposed to. For some …
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… can concentrate on plant surfaces. What are the symptoms of exposure to cyanobacteria? Cyanobacteria can produce several … and respiratory systems. Symptoms are visible shortly after exposure. Others affect the liver and it takes days before … that you rinse your body with clean water immediately after exposure to contaminated water. Rinsing is recommended even …