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HealthLinkBC files
… microwave. These methods can thaw food at uneven rates, so take extra care to ensure the whole product is thoroughly …
HealthLinkBC files
… face or your face People with weakened immune systems should discuss the risk of disease with their healthcare … and fleas, which can be inside and outside your pet’s body Take your pet to the veterinarian for a yearly checkup and … with soap and warm water afterwards Avoid inhaling or ingesting dust when you dispose of the litter, as you could get …
HealthLinkBC files
… disorders: Endocrine disorders are the most common group of conditions found through a newborn blood spot screening … they may have frequent chest infections and problems digesting food. which can result in slower weight gain. … Your baby’s heel is pricked and a few drops of blood are taken and put onto a special card. Your baby may cry, but …
HealthLinkBC files
… to 3 weeks after exposure to the bacteria. Sometimes it can take as long as 6 weeks for the symptoms to appear, if at … complications? If treated in time, chlamydia causes no lasting concerns. Untreated chlamydia can lead to … last sexual partner will need to be tested and treated. It takes time for the infection to clear from the body, so it …
HealthLinkBC files
… infant death . Share this information with anyone who may take care of your baby; it is important for all parents, … his or her back every time (at night and for naps) Babies should always be placed on their backs to sleep. Healthy … mattress fits the frame and is no thicker than 15 cm. There should be no gaps bigger than 3 cm between the mattress and …
HealthLinkBC files
… plenty of evidence. You may find evidence such as mouse nesting materials, dark brown droppings, debris left from … you want to try rat poison, there are certain things you should consider: Set out non-poisoned food for a few days … rodents from living on my property? There are steps you can take to prevent rodents on your property. 1. Eliminate food …
HealthLinkBC files
… a new onsite sewage system, or alter or repair an existing one, must follow the Public Health Act and the … operation and maintenance. An owner of a sewage system should contact an authorized person to set up an annual … the system and the volume of daily sewage flow. Homeowners should consult an AP or the sewage system maintenance plans …
HealthLinkBC files
… organization's health and safety procedures. Call 9-1-1 or take the child to the emergency room right away. If a child … them to cough the object or food out. However, you should take the child to the emergency room right away to … a child if they choke? Anyone who cares for young children should be trained in infant Cardio Pulmonary Respiration, …
HealthLinkBC files
… the area each time before you enter the water, as swimming conditions may change. Shallow water, underwater logs or big … unit for information on recreational water quality testing. Take a first aid course Take a first aid course that … Babies who cannot sit without support and cannot wear a PFD should always be held by an adult. Older children (12-17 …
HealthLinkBC files
… as increased iron losses. You may need more iron if you take certain medications such as antacids or have a medical … get enough iron, choose a variety of iron-rich foods and take a multivitamin supplement with 16 to 20 mg of iron … People with hemochromatosis absorb too much iron and should not take iron supplements. Many medications and …