171 results found
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… (cirrhosis). Hepatitis B is also the main cause of liver cancer, which can be fatal. Varicella Varicella vaccine is … disorders, weakened immune systems or other chronic medical conditions. Influenza immunization of health care workers …
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… risk? Exposure to radon over the long-term can cause lung cancer. About 16% of lung cancer deaths in Canada are due to indoor radon exposure. Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer for non-smokers and the second leading cause among …
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… called cirrhosis, which can lead to liver failure and/or cancer in a small number of people. What should I do if I …
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… an organ or bone marrow transplant, and those who have had cancer treatment may get serious infections. Young children … have a CD4+ count of less than 100 cells/mm3; hematological cancer patients; and stem cell transplant recipients. …
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… to heart problems Some combustion particles may contain cancer-causing substances Carbon dioxide (CO2): May cause …
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… nausea in pregnancy Most mild/moderate heat-related illnesses, sometimes called heat exhaustion, can be treated … have lower blood pressure during early pregnancy. Warm conditions bring blood to the skin to get rid of excess … illness can be worsened if the person has underlying conditions such as obesity, kidney disease, or heart issues. …
HealthLinkBC files
… impact your health in several ways: Exposure to toxic and cancer-causing chemicals: the aerosol produced through … chemicals and contaminants (such as heavy metals) linked to cancer Nicotine dependence: nicotine is highly addictive, … a person is exposed to lower amounts of toxic and cancer-causing chemicals when they vape. This does not mean …
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… Hepatitis B is also 1 of the main causes of liver cancer, which can be fatal. The hepatitis B virus is spread …
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… against the viruses or bacteria that cause colds or stomach illnesses. Fact: Influenza vaccines do not protect against the viruses or bacteria that cause colds or stomach illnesses, often called the stomach flu. The influenza virus … elderly people and people who have certain chronic health conditions, the vaccines may not prevent influenza …
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… or child from the heat, but a sunburn can make heat-related illnesses worse or more likely to occur It is safest to keep …