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… poor balance and poor posture One or more chronic and acute illnesses: for example, osteoporosis, the effects of a … is that they will have a severe fall leading to injuries. You can use the Staying Independent Checklist (PDF, 1,502 … (such as tai chi) Always ask your doctor, a qualified exercise professional or health care provider about the best …
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… Plasmodium species. These tiny parasites can get into your bloodstream and multiply after a bite by an infected … repeated or lengthy episodes of malaria as children will have some immunity to infection. However, this wears off a … Canada from at risk areas will need anti-malaria medication when visiting or returning to at risk areas.y How can I …
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… as a “flu-like” illness. In the early stage of the disease, you may have the following symptoms: fever sore muscles headaches … not known to spread the virus. Hantavirus is mainly spread when deer mouse droppings, urine, saliva, or nesting …
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… illness. How can I prevent foodborne illness? Clean Wash your hands with warm soapy water for at least 20 seconds … Separate Germs from raw foods can spread to other foods when not handled properly. This is called cross … and storage instructions. Foods heated in the microwave can have hot and cold patches. To make sure that microwaved …
HealthLinkBC files
… should be conducted once a year. What are the signs that you may have hearing loss? You may have hearing loss if you: … hearing loss refers to hearing loss that was present when you were born due to genetics or other factors or conditions. It can be hereditary (genetic) or it can be the …
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… growing baby that becomes the brain and spine. NTDs happen when this tube does not close completely and the brain or … right for you if: You or your male partner have a family history of NTDs or had a pregnancy affected by NTDs You have diabetes, obesity, gastrointestinal conditions such as Crohn's or Celiac disease, gastric bypass …
HealthLinkBC files
… dose before they turn 26. The exception is for those that have been given the extension to June 30, 2024; that is … sexual orientation Males who are street-involved Contact your health care provider to get immunized. Unless mentioned … 3 doses over a 6 month period. Children who start a series when they are 9 to 14 years of age need 2 doses given at …
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… should only last a few minutes, and does not do any harm. Your child’s temperature should return to normal within 3 to … appears after the fever has ended. In most other childhood illnesses, the fever and the rash happen at the same time. … in the neck. However, not all children have these symptoms. When should my child see a health care provider? You cannot …
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… of developing epilepsy include those who have: A family history of epilepsy Cerebral palsy A history of delayed … seizures can happen with any condition that causes a fever. Conditions that can cause a fever include common childhood illnesses such as a cold, the flu, an ear infection, or …
HealthLinkBC files
… vaccine each year. The vaccine is available at no charge. You can find information on booking an appointment to get … and last a shorter time compared to influenza infection. When should seniors get the influenza vaccine? It is … for people who have heart, lung or other health conditions. These complications can sometimes be fatal. For …